The leader of the Free voters, complains vehemently about the lack of communication with the economic and the Minister of culture. The criticised party chief should have taken the allegations in depth. the Christian Sebald, and Wolfgang Wittl

a few words of the language As Florian Streibl at the Christmas party, the Free voters, he was still in a good mood. But that should change soon. Streibl reminded on Wednesday of the way, the Free voters from the municipalities to the government party. What he said two days later, however, do not imagine that the way up to the seasoned government party is far from over.

Unusually sharp, the new group chief rüffelte on Friday the Treasury Minister, in the centre of the allegations is a lack of communication. Spared, he has only Minister of the environment, Thorsten Glauber. It was a “super collaboration”, the group will be well informed, said Streibl the Bavarian radio. Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger and Minister of culture Michael Piazolo way came less. “In the case of the other two, because you have to say: a little bit of time need to you have found in your new life a reality.” How long is this bit of time allowed to take, provided Streibl in the Form of an ultimatum the same: To February it should run better. Then the first hundred days are over.


96.6 percent: Hubert Aiwanger remains the head of the Free voters

Why this result is not in spite of the brilliant election result of his party and of the government involvement of course. Christian Sebald

For four weeks, the Free voters to sit with the CSU at the Cabinet table. How big is the difference between the Opposition and the government can be, you will experience since then, in a painful manner. Where you could earlier without consequences, challenge, and remains now, no decision without consequences. As seen in the Start would have been – carefully formulated to be able to run better. The debate on the Polder, the vortex to the officer of the state government that The discontent in their own ranks is growing. It is aimed primarily against the party chief. Hubert Aiwanger is still as a solo entertainer on the road, sue’s Deputy. On the other hand, Florian Streibl, until Recently, Aiwangers parliamentary Secretary. He can’t be a lot of time in order to bring the interests of the group robust. Streibl expects not only consultation, but also participation.

Despite the mishaps in the first weeks of the FW confirmed your boss Aiwanger the end of November, with strong, 96.6 percent of the votes in the office. It is the gratitude for the year was long, hard work. However, as members predicted that it will go round Betebet and round in the group soon. “Aiwanger has always made it a policy from the gut. He has inserted in the past, and only due to agreements held,” warned an experienced municipal politician. “If he makes the Vice Prime Minister, there will be quickly in Trouble with the group.” So it was now.

of Course, you should take into account that “to Govern is a whole new experience for us,” and a lot of it had to commit, says Streibl. But the group must be able to have regular discussions and information leave. Short informal contacts, for example, in the state Chancellery, and possibly even in the presence of CSU people, was not sufficient. “We have to fight now together and structures, so that the communication works,” calls Streibl. To some members it rankled, apparently, that of the five Cabinet members only Piazolo and his Secretary of state Anna were Proud to the first extended group management Board meeting. The next Meeting in the coming week would provide an opportunity to discuss the communication deficits.

Piazolo revealed by the criticism, anyway, surprised. “My impression is very different, we work very well together.” You could of course improve everything. He had a large interest, with the group to work closely together.

“Time and also physically no longer affordable,”

Aiwanger should have taken Streibls allegations of deep, reports Familiar. “Everyone is complaining about him must not know that we would all be where we are now.” Aiwanger’ve plowed for 15 years like no other and with the government participation the reward for the party retracted. “Also it should be granted a hundred days, so he can get everything on the series, what come flying out now New on him.”

a Patters to much on him? At the Christmas party, he had a Ministerial appointment with the President of the chambers of crafts. In the group of the Absence was seen in part as a low estimate, Streibl had expected in his speech with him. He wanted to come, but it was too late, says Aiwanger. Yes, he also wanted to improve internal communication. But he could not lead discussions before each meeting, three, four. “At some point in time, and physically not more affordable.” Maybe a regular email help to the group.