After his exclusion from the AfD parliamentary group, MP Christian Blex is to vacate his chair in the plenary hall of the state parliament and move. Blex will probably end up in the last row. It was the same with three MPs who had left the AfD parliamentary group in the past legislative period: Frank Neppe, Alexander Langguth and Marcus Pretzell now sat in the last row behind the remaining members of the parliamentary group.

In the current case, according to the state parliament, a solution is being sought – also with regard to Blex’ office, which is still in the AfD wing. The case could be resolved by next Monday, after which plenary sessions will begin again.

Meanwhile, SPD MP Sven Wolf claims to have filed a complaint “due to possible criminal offenses” by Blex with the public prosecutor’s office. The authority could not confirm receipt on Monday.

In the ad, which WDR initially reported on, Wolf writes: “I ask for an examination of all possible offenses and for further action.” Wolf does not list specific criminal offenses in his letter to the public prosecutor’s office.

Blex had been excluded from the AfD parliamentary group in the state parliament because of a trip to Russia that had been sharply criticized. Blex and other AfD politicians in his tour group had waived the originally planned visit to Donbass in eastern Ukraine, which was occupied by Russia.

Back in Germany, Blex had announced to the dpa that he would continue to work for the AfD beyond the parliamentary group. As a non-attached member, he “also has the opportunity to take up topics that have so far been neglected out of possibly misunderstood consideration.”