press Conference number 70 late the night of the election. Gråmulet outside the round window. The view could be magnificent (lake Mälaren and the city hall) but regndimman and the small, droplets on the window geggar as well as everything together.

the press centre is so far only half full but already starting to air out. It smells like coffee, tobakspustar and electricity. I with my 1.56 centimeters of the sea usually try to be there a little extra early to get a good spot. Have managed to get a spot on the second row, and felt initially satisfied. Unfortunately, it turned out that the small computer bag that stood on the spot in front of my, belongs to a konkurrentkollega. The colleague is two heads taller than I am. Jahopp.

and meet the other journalists ‘ tired but focused eyes. Today, it is actually a little exciting. We have, together and in different directions, followed the politicians ‘ every step, every breath. Analyzed the minspel, reported live, listened to the monologues, taken part of the debates, read the budgets, meant a long-term, thought historically, called experts, become experts, asked questions, clarified the question, been ignored, been loss an interview, become utskällda of presstalespersoner, been surprised, guessed, guessed wrong, put us into and trying to understand and then package everything in small, more or less, easily digestible package.

We have also been in the 70 press conferences. Excluding spontaneous pressklungor outside the various halls and all partiledarpromenader.

a livesändande reporterstjärna and tells us what we probably soon shall witness. A solution. A decision. A vengeance. A gambit. A benådande to drop the election year 2018 and go on with our lives.

But the day came not that day. ”Negotiations are continuing”, ”we are doing everything we can”, ”we take responsibility”, ”they don’t take responsibility”.

the Whiff.

I roll up the sleeves on my jacket, feel the pain from the hard seat and leaving a text from today’s press conference. It is not regeringskaos, it is democracy. But what helps is our the bags under the eyes?

It is far to the spring. Before the cherry trees are in bloom, we have enough of a government. Thank you to all the readers who follow along and cheer everyone politikreportrar (and politicians).

Alexandra Carlsson Tenitskaja is politikreporter and loves really his job. She is just a little decembertrött and easily become cranky if she doesn’t get lunch in time.

the Best in town right now: to get To eat kumminost at Babylon at Medborgarplatsen square, at the same time as it is snowing lightly outside.