That a child fails again and again, is normal. However, there are already differences in quality. Sick of the Failure when the candle is, for example, dragging with the primary school class. If you are apart at the end of the Morning of the wallflower (the suffers, therefore, a crying spell), the only child is leaving the bürkliplatz without self-drawn nature of light. Because just before the teacher orders the departure, the puny pile of wax that sticks to the wick, plops inexplicably back in the tub. And you don’t want to cry in front of despair, but what does not go, because Jack, unlike wallflower, cry, and certainly not because of so what.

in any case: such An embarrassment leaves its mark. Mine were so deep that I found from that experience that had in 1973 or 1974, the bürkliplatz in the Advent avoided like vampires avoid the sun light (and “Maya the bee”, honey, the Bee Gees, Waxing etc. really long, really stupid).

The Zurich-based candles will draw this year for the 50. Time. Was it initiated by a man by the name of Michael Brons, in the 1960s, the recreation area opened Wollishofen, where often a group unzimperlicher semi-strong-I had basically zero Bock on constructive, lovely, or simply “adult” stuff – up Bron’s the art piece brought ready, to convince the young men of sense and sensuality of the candle drawing, which he had learned in the training as a therapeutic educator. They were the thing soon, so impressed that they wanted to bring their Knowledge among the people. Brons asked the city about whether one should perform in the winter time unused music pavilion on bürkliplatz such a public event. In 1969, he led, passionately supported by his tamed Unruly, the first Zurich candles – as a peaceful, quiet and a temporary island in the midst of one of the globe riot aftershocks and after the sexual liberation of adoring Hippies emotionally-charged city.

unlike the former flower children I lust almost 50 years later, more protracted, meditative moments. I always have, that you find such contemplation is also a candle, I take the occasion to let my childhood drama finally behind me, to give the thing a Chance again and enter on Saturday shortly after half past eleven p.m., the tent, cheerfully. The pavilion decorated main room is well filled, although it is so cool is that Small and Large to wear all the Jackets. I grab two of the most thin wicks that go in the rear, heated room, keep the cords in the hot liquid, pull it out slowly and sink into a pleasant reverie. “You need to eintunchen the wicks quickly and immediately pull it out.” An older tutor ordeli granted me, according to an introduction for Dummies, and I haven’t even posted my comment, I would have done this for 45 years, I was a little out of Practice, acknowledged the professional by means of a shake of the head, then he dips his candle in perfect synchronicity into the Wax bath, a feast for the eyes!

I’ll ever be nearly as good? And then the immense pressure of the dear colleagues who ordered on Monday morning, a decent bee standing wax candle on the session table, come what may.

When the first candles had been processed up to the end, about 400 kg of wax drag 50 years ago, now are on peak days, about 100 pounds, “that makes a total of around 6 tons, and in the case of the wicks 50 kilometres,” says Aeneas Marti. He manages to pull the Zurich candles, for the third Time, as an employee of the Association, Zurich inclusion of a facility with a 193-protected work, training and residential courses, which also play a role in the profit generated. As I tell the sympathetic Enddreissiger that I am in a journalistic Mission here, he tells me a few secrets. For example, the record candle, pulled by 2017, 9.5 kg have weighed “a lot more would not go, because of the Opening of guard tank”. Or that one in the Team to Toptagen for Fun bets on the amount of the wax consumption, as well as various eat, “on the gram”.

On peak days to be processed 100 kilograms of beeswax. (Photo: Reto Oeschger)

It is 11: 30 am. Thanks to the milk coffee I’m now well in the Groove, I found an immersion-cooling-rhythm, gets the candle, which has already set a bit of a tummy. And otherwise? I Merciful, to explain how the attempt of an English couple, a Greek family that barely speaks English, and the ancient custom. To motivate educational, such as the attempt of a mother, silly, has sunk for the second Time, a wick irretrievably in the wax, with “now, pull yourself together, you’re not seven, so difficult!”. And even Illegal! Rascal 1: “I bet I can make the fingers for ten seconds in the hot wax?” – Rascal 2: “The Keeper has told you, we’re not supposed to believe in.” – “Do you accept or not?” – “Okay, but only if you hold your whole Hand in … for 20 seconds!

If you listen to speeches of Josef Müller about beeswax, it is thought, to hear a good cheese seller about Fondue mixtures speeches: With joy and Verve, the managing Director of the company Exagon, the draw for the Zurich candles, presents, provides the raw material and the devices, textures, and provenances, colors and prices. At the end of the conversation, I can declare: The brownish Bürkliplatz wax comes from Europe (the ivory-colored China would be much too expensive, which is primarily used for cosmetics), it is supplied in small fragmented Packed in bags.

After the candle is in front of the candle. In other words: Since I am not of the firstfruits satisfied, I’ll get to part with a larger wick and start again. Of Neo-wax tank-neighbor Deborah, I learn: you Cool the candle out in the Wind to the core, it is more absorbent! I’m glad to have such tips that, finally, is nothing Less than the Contemplation in the Newsroom. Nevertheless, there is no more pressure because for a long time, the unpleasant school memory is far away. I enjoy this stoic, calm hand works, this will Be pleasantly otherworldly. Eventually, Aeneas Marti is next to me and says: “Moll, that looks good.”

This praise from the Maestro is for me, one passing the final examination. I go to the checkout, and pay a total of 550 grams of bees wax, look at, as the splendid creation in paper-wrapped, and think: Yes, happiness sometimes really on a thin thread.

candles on the bürkliplatz, to 23. December, daily from 10 am to 20 PM (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 10.12.2018, 19:52 PM