keeps The controversy more or less climate protection, the Parliament and the population for months in breathing. It is not Easy to keep track of them. Yesterday, the Council of States pegs broke. But what was it again? Not a only just that Parliament will treat the CO2 act only in the spring and not now? Answers to pressing questions.

What has been decided, the Council of States yesterday?

The Council of States had to answer the question of whether Switzerland is able to pursue its climate goals, in any case, more – so even then, if the new CO2-law should, for the period up to 2030, too late in force, i.e.: only after the 1. January 2021. However, the Council with 28 votes to 13 against, to extend the today existing climate instruments, and strengthen so that Switzerland can continue along the same path. He group company the template to the point that was being made originally: tax relief for fuels that have been granted since July 2008. On natural gas, liquefied natural gas and biogenic fuels are to be granted according to the will of the Council of States continue to tax relief, and by the end of 2023, and not only until the end of 2021, as the national Council would like to. In order for the template with this difference goes back to the national Council.

Why does the election victory of the environmental forces is not noticeable?

Although the United Left in the Council of States is as strong as ever; SP and Green come to 14 seats. For majorities in the 46-member chamber, but not far from it. The fractions of the SVP and the FDP hold 19 seats, the CVP of 13. Red-Green was not able to win the CVP for themselves. This is not to say, however, that the Council of States foutiert entirely to climate protection. The bourgeois representatives were disturbed mainly due to the fact that the councils are in the midst of the advice of the new CO2 law for the period up to 2030, and the Transition would have taken some of its elements have already anticipated, such as the question of higher prices for gasoline and Diesel.

How to do it more now?

in the spring, the national Council on the new CO2, will debate the law, the preparatory Committee is currently consulting the template. On the table a comprehensive climate protection package of the Parliament in the autumn session, shortly before the Federal elections and the following basic Parameter contains: The Switzerland is obliged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to the 1990 level by 50 percent. A minimum of 30 percentage points, with measures in the domestic, the Rest with the climate protection projects abroad. Petrol and Diesel to rise by 2024 to a maximum of 10 centimes per litre, and from 2025 to 12 cents.

What else is planned?

For example, a flight ticket tax, which should amount to per flight to a maximum of 120 francs. 51 percent of the revenue, amounting to about one billion Swiss francs per year, to be distributed to the population, the Rest should be invested in a climate Fund. Similarly, the new law provides for an increase in the incentive tax on fuels. Today this is 96 francs per Tonne of CO2, the legally allowable 120 francs would be. The new maximum rate will have to be at 210 francs. The surcharge per litre of fuel oil would be about 50 cents, almost Double that of today.

Will attract the ergrünte national Council of the screw?

Probably not. The Council of States has modified the law in relation to the original submission of the Federal Council in certain areas. The red-green camp seems determined to leave the law as it is presented now, more or less. It statements important Expo suggests that ducks, like the national councils of Roger Nordmann (SP) or Bastien Girod (Green). Seems to large SP and Green the risk to overload the law and fail at the end.

Will decide, the people on the new CO2 law?

most likely, Yes. The SVP has already announced plans to take against the law in the Referendum. The people should reject the template, should the Parliament on the books. Much valuable time would be lost in the fight against the climate warming. In this scenario, you want to prevent the environmental forces in the Council.

How long will the new CO2 law, the Swiss climate policy?

The law sets goals and measures by 2030. The red-green camp, however, has already announced that it would apply to a parliamentary way of tightening or new points to bring about the integration of the Swiss financial market in the climate policy strategy of the Federal government or a vigorous Expansion of renewable energies. It is not yet clear is the extent to which you are for such a tightening of the rules – such as in Parliament, a majority, a further Revision of the CO2 act will be in need of. It is conceivable that the Parliament will govern these points in other laws, such as in the energy law.

Switzerland Can be with the new act on CO2 carbon neutral by 2050?

no. For this reason alone, not because of the current Revision of the CO2 law targets and measures only up to 2030 provides for. But the proposed path for the reduction of CO2-emissions is insufficient, as environment Minister, Simonetta Sommaruga, on several occasions has made it clear. It recognises the Council of States while in the autumn session passed a law that could be seen. For the goal of a climate-neutral Switzerland by 2050 it is not enough, however. Your Department will show the coming year, as the goal should be achieved.

Created: 03.12.2019, 13:42 Uhr