“Marx meets Wilson” is a book that traces the history of the railway in Germany. In it, philosopher Karl Marx, and the English engineer William Wilson exchange ideas in a fictional exchange of letters. The historian Hermann Glaser has the entertaining and wise book, enriched with wonderful illustrations, a short time before his death completed. He had dealt with the first German railroad between Nuremberg and Fürth. the Olaf Przybilla, Olaf Przybilla

Born and grew up, in 1972, in Wertheim, Baden-Württemberg, in Bavaria. Study of German language and literature, history, political science, and sociology in Erlangen and Heidelberg. After the exam, a lecturer in modern German literature and literary history at the Friedrich-Alexander-University. Since 2001, correspondent of the süddeutsche Zeitung in Northern Bavaria, Germany, since 2008, head of the SZ-offices, Franconia, in Nuremberg, Germany.

wanted to put together a send E-Mail

As the book “Marx meets Wilson” was finished, Jürgen Franzke and Hermann Glaser again and raise a glass to the joint project. Others, who had co-written, Regine Franzke, for example, would have been, a social evening was planned. In the Morning, before the phone went. As Glaser’s Secretary, with grave voice was on the line, it dawned on Jürgen Franzke, the evening will take place; and that this book was the last, the Glaser – one of the great cultural historians of the Republic – has written. Shortly before his 90. Birthday died Hermann Glaser in June.

It has become a worthy last book, and those who want to know what is the for a been to grab this Hermann Glaser is a legend in his trade, in the future to do well in this last book. The philosopher Karl Marx and the choice of Nuremberg, a train driver, William Wilson is not never met, but it is explained in the introduction Glaser – the a soft spot for the Spleenige and Abject had beyond all earth heavy as a polymath of the culture.

The most famous Englishman in Nuremberg and the first engineer of the Kingdom

Where the merging of fact and fiction is not so strange. Glaser holds because the appropriate supporting documents: His ascent of Mont Ventoux, for example, has written Petrarca widely and Goethe’s autobiography, was just what she wanted to be: poetry and truth. What is important is that Marx has repeatedly thought about the English railway and its capitalist implications; and that Wilson is likely to be the most famous Englishman in Nuremberg, Germany. You can

A large folk festival: At 7. December 1835 booth, William Wilson in top hat and tails on the platform and drove his vehicle with incredible 35 kilometers per hour in the direction of Fürth.

(photo: Stadtarchiv Nürnberg)

Glaser, a pioneer of industrial history as a historical discipline, engaged with the first German railroad between Nuremberg and Fürth. After all, this journey was a beacon of the beginning of industrialization, not only in Bavaria. As easily as what he has at the age of 89 to be written, not Betpipo read his notes. In the Standard “industrial culture in Bavaria” about Glaser asked about the historical journey is clear: “The Vertical of the reflective-frugal Biedermeier swung in the Horizontal of the expansive-unrestrained industrial society.”

you can see it that way. To read pretty Year but are the thoughts of an 89-when he invents an exchange of letters between Marx and Wilson and the British in Nämberch to write: “The people who ride with us cross themselves often, if you get in. Only sometimes there are glitches, which I’ll leave with a bouquet of flowers to fix it.” Also, the fact that Wilson, because of love, anon heart of Nuremberg, is given in the fictional correspondence: “The most Important thing to the end of the book: I met a very dear woman. When You visit me, will you also cook well. On Sunday, for example, a giant steak, which is attached to a bone; you name it ,pork shoulder’, a dumpling made of potatoes. You will be alright – in Nuremberg.”

The non-fictional story of the engineer and machine Keeper Wilson is, of course, told also in the Band. For Jürgen Franzke is a leader in charge, it is possible to name the former chief of the Nuremberg Museum of industrial culture and later Director of the DB Museum is a kind of right Hand Glasers. He tells how Wilson, the did not understand a word of German, and Swiss franc came. Task: The from England imported item help parts at the dozen pond to the railroad to build and then take command of the locomotive by the name of eagle .

100 years of the free state of Bavaria

“your Majesty, genga S’ home, a Revolution is”

On the Theresienwiese starts at 7. November 1918, the Revolution that leads to the founding of the free state of Bavaria. An Overview of the Munich locations. By Wolfgang Görl

At 7. December 1835 booth Wilson in top hat and tails on the platform, drove his vehicle with incredible 35 kilometers per hour in the direction of Fürth, six straight line kilometers along cheering francs over and police officers who tried to stop the cheering to stop. The story has often been told, also like Johann Strauss, the father of the waltz king, has the honour to compose a railway pleasure waltzes on the ground-breaking Pioneering work in Nuremberg. So big, in turn, the consciousness of the historic hour was not that you would have tried to get the Originaleagle . As the historical thing had done his duty, it was scrapped vile.

So far, so good. But there are also Details in the Facts section, which are less common. So, it turned out that the part of the eagle range already laid rails were attached to narrow, because in England – the mother country of the railway construction, with the other dimensions. Fortunately, all of the rails were not yet laid. Pretty the observation, that the freedom-loving urges the end of Wilson after the first few days, kindly do not lawn. Normal speed: 25.

Great, finally, the pictures that drove the authors and show that the structural innovations of the young were not remotely finished journey by no means. At the beginning of the 1930s about the “Plärrer has a built-in machine”, a futuristic multi-functional building, used as a waiting hall, vending machines-Restaurant and a Post office. The building fell victim to the war. He was in 1977, demolished, a large construction site at the Plärrer.

Jürgen Franzke, Hermann Glaser et al. Marx meets Wilson. Schrenk-Verlag, Nürnberg 2018.