After the evaluation of video footage showing the attack on the AfD-politician Magnitz, has objected to the prosecution of the representation by the AfD. Magnitz itself not only a political motive.

The Bremen public Prosecutor’s office rejects the representation of AfD to the violent attack on Bundestag member Frank Magnitz.

Magnitz had been started on Monday evening in Bremen to see a total of three men from behind, said the spokesman of the Bremen public Prosecutor’s office, Frank Passade, with a view to the video footage showing the Robbery in its entirety. Then Magnitz had fallen down and apparently unrestrained pitched with the head. “We believe that all injuries are due to the fall,” said Passade.

The AfD Bremen had, however, written a few hours after the attack in a press release, the offender would have beaten Magnitz with a square wood unconscious, and then against his head kicked in, as he lay on the ground. This information had been made after a visit of two party colleagues in Magnitz on Monday evening in the hospital.

There, the 66-Year-old inpatient was treated. Now Magnitz left the hospital on their own responsibility. The Deputy Chairman of the Bremen that the AfD, Thomas Jürgewitz said, the German press Agency. Magnitz they are going well under the circumstances.

Magnitz also stops a robbery.

Magnitz does not exclude robbery from

The perpetrators ran away after the attack immediately, said Passade. On the basis of the Videos ‘ there is no evidence that Magnitz occurred. Previously, investigators had reported that after reviewing the recordings had been used in the fact, no shock the subject. The police are investigating on suspicion of dangerous bodily injury. It starts from a political motive.

The recordings show the police that two people approached the 66-year-old politician from the rear, a third-party delivery puts behind it. One of the Unknown Magnitz hit from the rear, and he fell. Then the Trio had fled from the scene. Further, it was said: “On the previously backed-up video material, the use of an impact against the object can not be determined.”