On the Thor mountain, with its 180 inmates, prevails for some time a bad working climate. The Bern police Director, Philippe Müller (FDP) asked Director Egger last autumn, an external Coach, the exploring ends, the mood in the institution and management, and among the 130 employees.

The conclusion of the psychologist, Karl-Heinz Vogt: day-to-day business is functioning well, the Egger Reorganisation of structures and procedures be “reasonable and practical”. Needs to improve but the conflict and crisis of culture in the workplace, and dealing with each other.

“We need to take care in next time to the institution culture,” said Vogt on Tuesday in front of the media. “What is the Thor mountain, what is important? How can we achieve the statutory goals and objectives? We see the inmates as people or only as perpetrators? What is the care of the inmates?” Such a core are not or too little been discussed in the past ten years.

“no one has pushed me”

Director Egger will no longer be in this “next Chapter in the Thor mountain”: He assigns to the end of the year. The decision he had made independently, he said several times. He always felt the confidence of the police Director and also the competent Amtsvorsteherin. “Nobody has pushed me to resign.”

Egger is 56 years old. He left open the question of whether he sees his professional future remains in prison. It’s not that it was a failure on the Thor mountain, he stressed the questions of Journalists. Rather, he had successfully implemented a reorganization. Police Director Müller thanked Egger for his work and for his resignation decision, the responsibility of a witness. A Severance payment will not receive Egger. “He has also not requested.”

The problems on the Thor mountain have been known for some time, were supported by an employee survey. Coach Vogt, whose work is costing the Canton of 65’000 Swiss francs, but stressed after dozens of talks, the vast number of employees is positively and constructively in the work.

Multiple exchange

The Thor mountain management has changed several times in recent years – in 2011 due to the Retirement of the former Director, at the beginning of 2014 by the forced departure of his successor. This have been accused of preferential treatment of prisoners, and visits to the drug line.

After an interim phase, Thomas Egger began in November 2014 in his office. He will remain Director until the end of 2019, “an orderly Transition”. Now am quickly looking for a suitable person for his successor, said Romilda Stämpfli, since the beginning of the year, Boss of the office for judicial enforcement (AJV).

the turmoil at The Thor mountain made last year, that the AJV was a special office in the criticism. The AJV-Executive Board should be reduced from twelve to eight people, as was announced on Tuesday. Further reforms are in progress.

outlet in the office

To a human exchange, it is also in Mace: The former Deputy Director leaves office in June. He was looking for a new professional challenge, it was said at the media conference.

Last year, he had led the office on an interim basis. Privately, he is married to the Vice-Thor Berg-Director. That he was going now, but in no connection with the private connection, said police Director Müller to a journalists question.

“for Us, the relationship from the beginning was known,” Müller said. Not a Problem it was, because there had been a leadership level in-between in the Person of Thor’s mountain-Director. “There was never a case where you have to say would have been, it was now awkward or anything.” (sda)

Created: 14.05.2019, 12:23 PM