There are calls for Statements which one hears with such clarity is rare in the Green: Co-Head of Baerbock, offenders, asylum seekers faster to deport. At the same time, but stressed the limits of this line.

The Greens want to take advantage of the weakness of the national parties and inherit. As far as the Opening to the middle and also should go, in the party, however, is always controversial; this is particularly evident in the debate on the refugee policy.

Anna Lena Baerbock, Co-Chairman of the party, has called for a faster and more resolute deportation have committed criminal offences of asylum seekers. In an Interview with the “süddeutsche Zeitung” said you, who accept the local legal system and enforceable required to leave the country, should be preferred to “the deportation”. The applicable law must be applied, “because there is nothing to shake”. Baerbock justified this with the aim of the right to asylum to maintain. Those who wished to do so, must prevail “in the case of return to the rule of law”. To do this, you should use “the legal instruments that we have, the better”.

The Green party politician admitted, however, that the applicable law to deport also means “in war zones. This also applies to Afghanistan.”

Want to overcome struggles, the old wing: Green-heads Habeck and Baerbock

The consequences of Freiburg

Baerbocks Statements also refer to a case in Freiburg, where in October a student from a group of men have been raped, are Among the suspects, several Syrians; one of them is considered intensive perpetrators to be arrested would, in fact, because of several offences of Violence. Baerbock said, confidence in the rule of law to be scratched”, because the law is often not quickly enough”.

she called for more funding for the judiciary. It won’t help if the Federal government promise to provide 2000 new Judges, but the funds only for a year ranged. Required 4000 million euros per year for at least ten years.

A difficult debate

The question of how to deal with obliged to leave the country for asylum seekers ensures that the Green for debates, not least around the party Congress in Leipzig in November. There, the party had adopted a program for the European elections, in which a border control regiment for the EU. You have to know who is coming into the EU; not all who would, could remain, it says. The thrust part of the delegates to the criticism.

For a pronounced controversy had taken care of the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Wilfried Kretschmann, who had said after the gang-rape of Freiburg, “young men in hordes,” be said, “sloppy”, “the most Dangerous thing you have brought forth the Evolution”. The idea to send some in the “boonies” and not in big cities, don’t be “wrong”. The Statement had evoked sharp opposition just party internally.

this Tenor also Baerbock from sat. She stressed that violence against women will “legal nationalists instrumentalized”. It is important to talk about “the relationship between Patriarchal Chen socialization patterns and sexual Assaults on women”. But “no Pass, no Religion and no culture”, will make a person automatically to the offender.

criticism to Merkel

In intra-party debate is also a Manifestation of Baerbocks colleague Robert Habeck fell. This was shortly criticized before the state election in Hesse, the refugee policy of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, and accused, before the crisis, by 2015, the population of the camps is not sufficient to the situation in the refugees around Syria to have prepared. Also, the authorities had not been strengthened in due course enough.

How difficult is the change of the party in the issue of the refugees is also reflected in the question of which States are considered safe countries of Origin. The Federal Green party refuse to continue to provide States, such as Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria, to label and to oppose to the corresponding Wishes of the Federal government. In coalitions with the CDU in Hesse, there is always tension. In Baden-Württemberg, the green head of government Kretschmann supports the project. At the Federal level, the Greens speak of a pseudo – debate the issue but the party remains.

Green party Congress in Leipzig: A programme for Europe, 11.11.2018 Green Kretschmanns “men hordes-spell”, 10.11.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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