“Bark beetle presence becomes fish food – at try”

“Last year’s hot summer is expected to benefit the dreaded granbarkborren, the insect that causes the most damage in Swedish spruce forests. Many forest owners in the country’s southern parts for an endless fight against skadeinsekten – and now has a forest owner in the county come on what he would be able to use the small creatures to. The thousands of drills he annually captures in the traps is about to become fish food in Vilhelmina, reports Blekinge Läns Tidning.”

“In connection with an abandoned old fish factory, once again, opened the lapland resort announced it after the manner which the new owner wanted to use for fish feed. Then came the forest owner in his slightly odd idea.”

“– He announced after the mosquitoes and then I called him and asked if he was interested in bark beetle presence. It thought he was hyperintressant and then we came up on killer slugs, for they were not there and they must surely contain a lot of nutrients, ” says forest owner Bengt Johansson to the magazine.”

“and Now, the idea is tested, but whether the small granbarkborrarna to use as fish food, however, remains to be seen.”