At the port of Antwerp in Belgium, cocaine smuggling has increased to such an extent that authorities are running out of ways to destroy confiscated drugs. “There is a problem with the capacity of the incinerators,” said a spokesman for Belgian customs on Monday, confirming reports from Belgian media.

Specifically, it is about the enormous amounts of cocaine from Latin America that are intercepted in the port of Antwerp. Antwerp is the number one hub for cocaine in Europe. According to Belgian authorities, more than 100 tons of cocaine are expected to have been seized this year. That would be a new record after last year’s 89.5 tons.

The drug cannot be destroyed just like that. In order to burn confiscated cocaine, “there are environmental standards that must be met,” said the customs spokesman. According to Belgian media, there are currently too few approved incinerators for the quantities of drugs in customs warehouses. This also affects the security of the storage locations.

According to the Belgian newspaper “De Standaard”, the police in Antwerp have already noticed suspicious events near a camp, in which one or more strangers were spying on the area with a drone.

The public prosecutor’s office in Antwerp declined to comment. No information was given on the quantities of cocaine to be destroyed. The customs spokesman stated that “a structural solution is on the right track”. A solution could be announced “already on Tuesday”, a ministry said.