Berlin was to take the country among the German cities. Who came after the fall of the wall here, could play Peter Pan. To be as he wanted. Just a couple of ideas spinning and try it. No Obligation. Still, there were Fallow, free space, and the love parade. The city was pleasantly imperfect and you could also hinleben imperfect. Poor, but sexy. That was Berlin.

Suitable to developed marketing people in the year 2008 for the Senate, and the Motto: Be Berlin. I, you, Berlin. But: unlike in Neverland is in real life. The city has developed further. It has become bigger, louder, closer. Maybe now is the time, since Berlin will have to be a grown-up. A barbaric affair. Full Of Inconvenience. The had said, the one-handed Captain Hook, Peter pan’s fierce opponent.

Berlin needs a Vision. Berlin must take on the responsibility. Also, for all of this, what does not work.

In April of last year, has prescribed the office of the Senate, therefore, a self-discovery phase. For a year, was researched, Kiezspaziergänge made, residents asked city marketing experts and actors in the urban society interviewed. Decrypts the Berlin-DNA! So the order was. Find what holds together the city in the Inner – while it seems, than you, as it was a “More so” not possible zerbrösele. It describes the Senate Chancellery and in the evaluation: “It changed a lot, but there is no development.” And: “Berlin is characterised by a plan-less over-revving.”

No wonder! The city is growing and with it the pressure of competition in all areas. The gap between the Inner and outer districts is greater, between the Poor and the rich, even direct neighbors, only a hallway separated and living in completely different worlds.

Like him, so find this one, new, wonderful, snappy Slogan for this city? A, with which all residents identify, and which they all have in common is the kebab man in Prenzlauer Berg, the suit-Yuppie in Neukölln the Hipster in Charlottenburg and and and.

Not a political paper, but a Marketing concept

Now there’s a first mission statement, which should serve as a basis for the new Berlin-Image. Not a political paper, but a Marketing concept. On Monday it was released. “Berlin is different”, says the Headline. In an 86-page Powerpoint presentation and a 37-page strategy paper (“A journey to the heart of the capital”) holds the Senate administration of Berlin is more than a Hipster, Latte-Macchiato-parents, Berghain-excesses and dog poop, more than its clichés. Berlin is an attractive city with great radiant power. Senior founded for Start-ups. Future-oriented investment location for companies. Unique Travel Destination. Berlin is the “home of diversity” and the “space of possibilities”. But above all, Berlin is changing – and you have to make positive.

summer in Berlin.Photo:

has Changed the city. Was in a period of 100 years, the Imperial city, a modern Metropolis, megalomaniac capital of the Reich, a front city of the Cold war, the plaything of the subcultures, re-United capital. Berlin, the Outpatient, the work in progress. And now? Berlin is next to a travel Hub? The new Silicon Valley? Party Queen? A place for creative souls? Model in terms of sustainability? The change without direction. Peter Pan has no concept. A thousand ideas in my head – something to watch out. Will go wrong.

Berlin is different. As long as the city is only a little better than others, it must be the probably in order to distinguish themselves. Different. A statement is sufficiently vague, and commonly accepted. Perhaps, but in fact, the only Berlin-constant. The lowest common denominator. A promise, a Vision. You must, however, remain different!

“Berlin is more a world than a city”, had said the writer Jean Paul. Berlin is in Neukölln. Berlin Spandau. Berlin’s Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Berlin’s allotment garden and Berghain. The Späti around the corner, and Siemens. Hertha and Union. “Multiculturalism”, “diversity”, “openness to the world”, “versatility” and “colorful” for the respondents Berlin inside the Top-10 on spontaneous associations. Cosmopolitanism and cultural diversity to the Top 6 to be proud of Berlin. Everything is possible, nothing. Because it’s in Berlin. Because Berlin has always been the city of freedom. Or? Today, people have to fight for their freedom.

The “utopia” is not yet buried

Perhaps the test laboratory Berlin, in a way, this self-nourishing, big-city myths. The Illusion that the “utopia” is not, was still buried as elsewhere. Or Berlin, like Paris and London, a victim of its own success? Experts that were involved in the Senate investigation, warn: “The quality of life is in acute danger.” The last years show that both the “home of biodiversity”, as well as the “space of possibilities” cannot be taken for granted. The great promise of Berlin is threatened, questioned, and limited. The carefree childhood days in never land are over.

Berlin in the eighties for more images 1 view 12:19Das bright house is … day-to-day mirror-home! The Askanische place in Kreuzberg, photographed in September 1989. At the time,…Back for More

respondents For half of the by the Senate of Berlin is a hard city in which to claim. Here, the hardness was always this beautiful Imperfection. You get used to it. Who creates Berlin, creates everything anyway. Quite the New York style: “If I can make it here…” However, the hardness, the more is as the Berliner Schnauze. Which makes no fun. The is different. But in the negative.

Nothing to do in this city! Berlin is full and overwhelmed. Birth certificates are too late issued. Children to find a daycare place. In the school there are too few teachers. Duration of the construction sites and the things that don’t work, are reasons not to be proud of Berlin. Rail chaos. BER. A housing shortage! The times in which you could live where you wanted, are over. They could live in which you to 100 square meters of Nothing, anyway. Beloved Clubs and Kiezläden have to give up because the Rents are rising. The rental price brake will not work. Goodbye to Tacheles, Rosi’s, market halls-Aldi. Hello Google and Zalando! The investors come. Totally free is only those who can afford it. How do you effect this change?

a city on the brink

The pressure of competition makes the human handling rough. Berlin as a “city on the edge” at the abyss, the analysis of the Senate administration. The city is to unreasonable. “For me Berlin is a full disaster, the one that I love from the bottom of my heart”, had said in the survey. But love is precious. And never limitless.

by now it was time to take responsibility. To be a grown-up. The more diversity and people, the less free space. The more everyone makes and does what he wants, the more torn the community, it is in the analysis of the Senate Chancellery. In addition to the (individual) freedom as a right, it need, therefore, to the openness (compared to the freedom of others) as a duty. There is a need for a Berlin, which understands freedom as community development. A Berlin that sets the common good as a priority. The limitless “I”, so the conclusion should be reinterpreted to the limits of “We”. Berlin should be understood as capital, “the growth responsibly, fairly and collectively and for economic strength, quality of life and solidarity”.

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Lorenz Maroldt

In the never-never land you must believe in something in order for it to happen. In adult life it is not enough. Ongoing construction and lack of planning are different. In order to remain in a positive sense, otherwise, it needs a Vision. One that meets the lifestyle of the people.