“Bildt calls M and KD to the quiet”

“the Moderates and the Christian democrats are demanding answers of Margot Wallström (S) about the much talked about meeting in Stockholm, if detained bokförläggaren Gui Minhai.”

“the Former foreign minister Carl Bildt (M) calls on them now to lower the tone.”

“I don’t think the public controversy make things better,” he says.”

“It talked about the meeting in Stockholm, which concerned the detention of Swedish-chinese the publisher Gui Minhai, has led to political fights in Sweden. “

“Angela Gui, the daughter of the publisher, were invited to the meeting by the Sweden’s China ambassador Anna Lindstedt, who, according to the foreign MINISTRY arranged the meeting completely on his own volition.”

“She has now been called home and the Fbi has launched a preliminary investigation on the egenmäktighet at the negotiation with a foreign power, a crime that can give up to two years in prison.”

“Both the Conservatives and the Christian democrats are now demanding answers from the minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) about what actually happened and who’s at the state Department who knew what about the meeting.”

“in the Past, the Administration Jonas Sjöstedt, demanded that the Swedish China-the ambassador should be kicked out.”

“Bildt calls for calm”

“Now, Carl Bildt (M), minister for foreign affairs 2006-2014, out and invites them all to lower the pitch. To mess open on the case of Gui Minhai is not the right way to go, ” he says.”

” I do not believe that the public controversy make things better. The opposition in parliament, have other channels to get clarity or make comments, he says to Aftonbladet.”

“– Important handle foreign affairs, also consular ones, are discussed as a rule in the advisory council on foreign affairs.”

“It was in January of this year that the meeting took place at the Sheraton Hotel in central Stockholm.”

“it was There that, among others, Angela Gui, Anna Lindstedt, and a chinese businessman.”

“Angela Gui was later told that she was the victim of pressure, among other things, to not talk about her father in the media. She also got the information that her father could be released, but only after he has been sentenced to prison.”

“the foreign MINISTRY after the meeting became known, said that none of those who work with the case of the Gui Minhai knew that the meeting took place.”

“A foreign MINISTRY source says to newspaper Aftonbladet that the Conservatives, who are now giving criticism, have been informed regularly about the case.”

” Thus rings out the false now when the party wishes to have more info. What’s to be said has been said to M. Issues related to consular cases, we have a tradition not to politicize, ” says a source.”

“Margot Wallström want to wait for the investigation if the Gui Minhai-the meeting is finished before she comments on any trust for the ambassador Lindstedt.”

“– We started a internundersökning and then have it paused because the secret Police have begun an investigation. Then it may take its time and then it is carried out fully so we’ll find out what has happened, ” says Wallström to the TT. “

“– Then get to decide themselves how to deal with such issues, ” said the foreign minister.”

“February 3: Angela Gui, the daughter of the Swedish-chinese the publisher who is detained in China, said in an interview with svenska Dagbladet that she had a meeting in Sweden with chinese representatives regarding their father.”

“February 13. Angela Gui writes on his blog about the meeting in Stockholm took place at the end of January on the invitation of the Swedish China-ambassador Anna Lindstedt. The foreign MINISTRY says that the investigation of Anna Lindstedt and stated that it had knowledge of the meeting, the first in the post, which is listed as one of the reasons that Lindstedt now being investigated.”

“14 February: the Fbi has stated that it will conduct a preliminary investigation after the meeting become known. The investigation, led by prosecutors at the riksenheten for national security.”

“February 15: Minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström commenting on the criticism of Sweden’s China ambassador. Wallström said that the foreign MINISTRY had not been aware of the meeting and that you look very seriously at the incident.”

“February 16: foreign office clarifies that no one who works with the Gui Minhai-case had knowledge of the meeting. The foreign MINISTRY does not want to answer the question then, if there are other people, and what it is, who had knowledge of the meeting, which took place in Sweden.”

“• The Swedish publisher of the Gui Minhai ran a publishing company, Mighty Current and the bookstore Causeway Bay in Hong kong. The publisher gave out sensitive books with corrosive satire about the chinese leaders until the five employees disappeared at the end of 2015.”

“• Gui Minhai disappeared on 17 October 2015, when he left his holiday home in Pattaya in Thailand. In October was reported to have been released.”

“• In January 2016, the state-controlled chinese tv-channel CCTV ”

“• Neither the daughter of Angela Gui, or someone else in his presence, had before the so-called recognition heard of that Gui Minhai would have been involved in any accident.”

“• He was released in October of the same year, after serving the punishment, according to the chinese authorities. According to his daughter he was after it in a milder form of house arrest in the city of Ningbo, where police officers followed him as soon as he passed out.”

“• On 20 January last year, travelling to the Gui Minhai on the train in the company of two Swedish diplomats to visit the doctor at the Swedish embassy since he showed symptoms of ALS. During a stop stepped ten plainclothes police officers on board and brought him away, according to the daughter.”

“• Sweden, the EU and various organizations have criticized China’s actions against Gui Minhai.”