Extra Magazine Special is a quality stamp. It is a new brand for our very best and most thorough journalism. I think you should read. It’s all about your and your neighbor’s lives. In this Special we focus on the police cash cow: Fotovognene.

When the police place their fotovogne, also called ATK (Automatic traffic control, red.), it happens to a small extent according to where the most serious accidents because of speed. But the amount of printed fines hit a record on record. In 2017, there were printed

It shows an analysis, which Ekstra Bladet has made on the basis of aktindsigter in the police rankings of fotovogne in 2017, as well as data on accidents on Danish roads from 2013 to 2017.

the Police money-making – Link to the main article PENGEMASKINEN
Fotovogne blitzer on the loose in the cities while people are dying on the roads

although more than twice as many last year died in rural areas compared with urban, so kept fotovognene parked over twice as many hours in urban as in rural roads.

– You can say that the basics are hard to run very strong in the cities, because there is much traffic and many traffic lights. It should almost be night before you can ræse through H. C. Andersen’s Boulevard in Copenhagen.

– most of The fatal accidents caused by high speed therefore takes place on the road, because you actually can run too strong. But it is clear that when there are many vulnerable road users, higher speed in the cities also do any collision more serious, says Marianne Steffensen, head of road Safety and Cycling in the road directorate.

the Municipality with the highest number of ATK-kontroltimer in the entire country is Copenhagen. The council for Traffic on baggund of data from the Danish road directorate is otherwise determined, that in the Copenhagen Police district covers the municipalities of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Tårnby and Dragør, from 2011 to 2015 ‘only’ died on 20 in traffic as a result of high speed.

It is the tredjelaveste number in any police district in the entire country – only fewer have perished in Copenhagen is Ranked Police with 19 people killed and the island of Bornholm with six deaths.

The ‘most dangerous’ police in relation to the number of people killed in connection with high speed is in the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police district with 91 killed.

one has to Take into account politikredsens total area is, however, at the same time here, where there is the lowest control pressure of 1.3 hours of control per. km2.

In the Copenhagen Police district, there are 32 hours of GNOME-control pr. square kilometers, equivalent to the highest in the country.