If you followed the current discussion on a possible extension of the Brexit period, one of the Irishman Johnny Logan in mind. Logan landed at the Eurovision Song Contest a Hit with the title “What’s Another Year”. Seven years after the UK EU from year 1973 was a candidate, and given the long lines of history, you may also with a view to a possible extension of the Brexit-term questions: What is a year?

The idea of the British to a maximum of twelve-month extension of the period of offer dates of EU-great-grandson, Donald Tusk. The idea would be implemented, then the British would likely to partake in the European elections, and on top of that, possibly early elections, or a second Referendum. This could finally contribute to a clarification of the Brexit question, the house of currently in the location.

The EU is of a vague hope

It was the vague hope for some kind of clarification in the paralyzed British domestic policy, of which the heads of state and government of the EU meet for their summit is on Wednesday expected to take the lead. Many European heads of state and government, particularly Chancellor Merkel and Ireland’s Prime Minister Varadkar, do not want to risk a “hard Brexit” on the coming Friday, and we are the UK extension your choice, in principle, open. For one thing, no other state among the remaining 27 EU member States in the case of an unregulated Brexit to lose economically more than Germany. And on the other a No-Deal-Brexit for the North of the island of Ireland would mean border controls.

May need to at the special summit on Wednesday

deliver in Spite of these understandable motives, the EU should agree this week to an extension only if the British head of government actually has something New to offer. In order to receive a long period of time up to a maximum of into the coming year, should you announce new elections, or a second Referendum. For a short deadline extension to may 22. May – the day before the European elections – should you have at least a resilient agreement with the Labour Chairman Jeremy Corbyn for a connection of great Britain to an EU customs Union in the bag. Without a real consideration Mays, the EU must adjust to a “hard Brexit” on the coming Friday.

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