education Senator Sandra Scheres (SPD) met on Wednesday with representatives of the parents in the house otter elementary school in Reinickendorf. The problems of school violence and bullying for years, including through a number of school inspections.

the conversation took the administration of education in a joint Statement with the school Board, the total representing parents, the school psychologist, and school supervision Reinickendorf, which you can read below in full length. The Parties to terminate, that it is from the school side, a Letter should be, the parents are informed about possibilities of support in case of bullying. In addition, to be addressed at a study day on the topic of bullying.

After the death of an eleven-year-old student in the last week, parents had criticized representative, that the girl had been also victims of bullying, and her death would be related to (the daily mirror reported). Among other things, vigils and commemorative events were organized, in which other students and parents about physical and psychological violence they had experienced at otter elementary school.

Problem was in the first place. after the change of the school Board addressed

The administration of education had to admit that the Problem could not be solved for years, and only after a change of the school principal was approached The new headmistress was very open-minded and try to improve the conditions, but I can in the short time not all of the grievances solved.

daily mirror people

for Free order

The Chairman of the total parental representation Yeldiz Demirel had told the daily mirror that one must now join forces to give the school and the students who come to the winter holidays on Monday, a perspective. This is apparently the opinion of most of the parent representatives. But some are of the view that one could not just move on to the agenda. “Whether the tragic death of this little girl is due solely to the bullying, we do not know, of course,” said a father to the daily mirror: “We know, however, that it was being bullied and that many, many other children at this school and also bullying and violence. We must therefore ensure that the stop.“

“a Total failure of the school authorities”

Also, the Reinickendorfer SPD politician Thorsten Karge says: “The headmistress has even admitted that the deceased girl was being bullied. This should already be in the past school year, makes the thing not better. On the contrary, The school inspection has twice found that there is a massive bullying problem. And de facto, nothing happens. That’s what I call a total failure of the school authorities.“

The parents of the deceased girl had turned as reported on Tuesday to the media and asked to be allowed to grieve in peace and to end the speculation about the tragic death of her child. The daily mirror respects this and reports it as so far no Details about the personal the individual case, especially as the result of the ongoing death investigation is still to be determined.

Joint Statement of the educational administration, school management, total parent representation, school psychologist, and school supervision Reinickendorf:

“We respect the explicit request of the parents of the deceased student in a trusted and respectful relationship with your tragic loss. The ongoing public speculation is not contrary to the grief of the family, we have no part of it and appeal to all to respect this wish of the parents.

Regardless of the Senate to continues all of the allegations.

The participants agree that now is the welfare of the students of the house of otter-school in the first place. It has become in the conversation, clearly, that the school conflicts and problems. The total parental representation has been described in individual cases of Conflict, whose roots go back a long time. Of all the participants was emphasised, however, that the school has developed since the change of Management two years ago positive. The Executive Board stressed that problems such as violence and bullying to be addressed. The Senate administration with the school supervision to support this explicitly.

For the near future, it is essential to support the school community together as well as possible. When school starts again next week, school psychologists and social workers and the students, but also the entire College help and support. This assistance is of unlimited duration and is offered so long as it is needed.

it was Agreed that the school, parents of cases, in a letter again on the existing support and contact person in the event of Conflict, especially bullying. For the end of February, planned study day of school will deal with the issue of bullying and dealing with conflicts, especially by the teachers. In addition to the projects and Offerings that the school already or were already planned, it will have more project days and offers an open, respectful school climate and promote issues such as bullying and violence.”

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Werner van Bebber