in fact the AfD of the Post. With Glaser and Harder-Kühnel but already two candidates for the office of Bundestag Vice-President failed. Now, the defence of politicians is to compete Otten.

After two failed candidacies want to put the AfD in the Bundestag again, the choice of a Bundestag Vice-President from among its members, on the agenda, such as the parliamentary managing Director of the group, Bernd Baumann, said. “I’m going to assume that we hold the election this week.”

On the provisional agenda of the plenary for the election of the Vice-President stands in for Thursday afternoon.

Ex-career officer and a member of the defense Committee

According to deputies, the group chose only a few hours after Baumann’s notice to the defence of politicians Gerold Otten to your new candidates.

The 63-Year-old since March 2013 member of the AfD. Since 2017, he sits for you in the Bundestag. He is a member of the defense Committee and substitute member of the budget Committee. Prior to his political career, Otten was 22 years in the army, most recently as a professional officer. He is a member of the national Association of Bavaria.

last Thursday was a failure, the Hessian AfD Deputy Mariana Harder-Kühnel in the third ballot. The lawyer was after the former CDU member of the Albrecht Glaser, the second candidate for the party, not having received the necessary majority.

Albrecht Glaser was already in the autumn of 2017, at the elections to the Bundestag Vice-President failed.

Every week a new candidate

According to Baumann, the group is to be set up in each session of the week a new candidate. He said to take instead of the AfD its rightful Post, use the Bundestag as “valuable time on such stories”.

party leader Alexander Gauland had announced in exasperation about the recent Failure of the AfD candidate, to send may on every occasion a new candidate into the race. The negative attitude of the other groups criticized it as undemocratic.

Union Parliament CEO Michael Grosse-Brömer (CDU) warned, however, the AfD against arbitrary candidate lists. If this were, instead, “to make Trouble, then this is, I believe, a false Motivation.”

in Principle, the AfD of the Post is: In the rules of procedure of the Bundestag, it means that each group should provide at least a Vice-President. However, this must be from the Plenum selected.