Between the president’s daily messages about your own success and opponents failure, he wrote something yesterday on Twitter that got even tanned americans to raise the brows.

That the president in the night to speak to the nation today is among America’s hottest news. The speech will take place at 21 in the evening, the american østkysttid (at 0300 utc).

“A humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border” is the theme.

in other words: the Trumps desire to build a wall against Mexico.

Were reserved for disasters

Already before christmas, let the president much in the pot.

When closed him down many statsfunksjoner in an attempt to push Congress to give him the 5.7 billion dollars to a grensemur against Mexico.

“It is already the second-longest collapse in statsfinansiering in our nation’s history”, wrote the New York Times on Monday about the closure, which affects about 800 000 government employees.

He has also played the Trump card: A threat to declare a state of emergency.

Wide powers

It is a measure its predecessors George W. Bush and Barack Obama reserved for terror and natural disasters – as when two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York city.

Many people find the threat of a state of emergency under the Trump scary, because of the wide powers it can give to the president.

Trump will have the wall, but did not get a penny. In the night “closes” the united STATES

“For example, can the president, with a pen stroke, enable the law that allows him to close the many kind of electronic communication within the united STATES or freeze amerikaneres bank accounts”, writes The Atlantic.

With the president’s speech in the night however no matter up to more trouble, of money to a wall that Mexico really should pay for.

– Ondskapsfullhet and disinformation

The major TV networks have said yes to The white house’ request to broadcast the president’s speech – which has led to much criticism.

Democrats need to get as much airtime, demanded the Democratic speaker of the house of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, and her partifelle Chuck Schumer.

No one knows what the Trump may come to say in the speech, but the two democrats fear the worst.

“If his past statements are any indication,” the president’s speech to be “full of ondskapsfullhet and disinformation”, they say in a joint statement.

According to the BBC is the speech Trumps the first live TELEVISION speech from The oval room in The white house.

– I can do it if I want