“C and L declines new ”luftslottsmål””
“Minister for employment Ylva Johansson (S) want to discuss a new target for the unemployment rate, now when the government has abandoned the target of the lowest rates of unemployment in the EU by 2020.”
“But budgetkamraterna C and L are not interested.”
“– these fluffy beautiful goals one can mention in högtidstal, it is quite unimportant, “says the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund”
“– It has been proven that it where the target was a castle in the air, and then they did nothing to achieve there, ” he said about the prime minister and the leader Stefan Löfvens the first government’s term of office.”
“He points out that there are measures that may reduce unemployment and get more people into jobs that are the most important. He raises several of the points in the januariavtalet, 73-point program between the S. MP, C, and L as the key.”
“The chief economist Martin Ådahl also says he to concrete reforms, as the agreement is important, not the goal:”
“– As less arbetsmarknadsbyråkrati, lower taxes for small businesses to hire and faster language training and practice for the new arrivals, ” says West.”
“When the prime minister and the leader Stefan Löfven read up regeringsförklaringen on Monday, missing his own, heavily marketed goal and promise from 2013 – it for Sweden to have the lowest rates of unemployment in the EU by 2020.”
“the Goal was included in all four regeringsförklaringar in the last legislature, and as late as april last year, said finance minister Magdalena Andersson (S) that it is important for the direction of economic policy.”
“In a written statement in connection with the regeringsförklaringen claimed the government, among other things, the long formation of the government and the riksdag’s decision to adopt the Conservatives and the christian democrat budgetreservation had drawn on the map. Not least by substantial cuts in labour market policy.”
“– It was a very difficult case from the outset and as the years remaining before 2020 means budgets which are not controlled by the old government, who set up the goal, then one must probably conclude that the conditions are changing, ” says Ylva Johansson to the TT.”
“Now has a new budgetary cooperation, with the MP, C, and L.”
“It is good if we can put a case that other parties think is reasonable and right,” says Johansson, who claim that the removed target, even if it is not met, has worked as a styråra for the policy.”
” We have each year reduced unemployment and increased employment and the number of hours worked. But how it goes for other EU countries, can’t we influence. An important difference is that we did receive many more refugees than other countries did, ” says Ylva Johansson.”
“When the goal was set up by the S and Stefan Löfven on the S-congress 2013, the unemployment rate was 8.2 per cent. It is now about 2 percentage points lower. But Sweden was in the end of last year in 19th place in the EU, according to Eurostat. The lowest rates of unemployment, according to Eurostat, the Czech republic with 1.7 per cent.”