investigators, it is often difficult to make concrete attack plans to prove. At least in the case of state officials there is the case of extremism, but a different approach, says the CDU-interior expert Schuster. Here also the Constitution’s demand for that protection.

The CDU interior politicians Armin Schuster has set in committees of inquiry on the NSU murder series intensively with the legal terrorism apart. He knows how hard it is for the criminal justice system and the protection of the Constitution is, concrete attack plans to prove.

In state provide staff such as police officers, soldiers, and administration of Collective, official and disciplinary law clear ways – often more consistent than those of the criminal justice system. Germany had to accept it, if state employees, their loyalty to the Constitution not to prove. “Anyone who has extremist aspirations, who communicates inflammatory or even antisemi table, the search in the Public service”, was a shoemaker in the report from Berlin.

In to the authorities was asked in this topic of leadership. “The service must do more.” This would have to be from the protection of the Constitution, however, quickly determining results.

CDU interior politicians, Armin Schuster, extreme-right networks
report from Berlin, 07.04.2019

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