A Europe-wide survey among more than 20,000 eligible voters, according to many Europeans want to align their decisions less on the consent of a certain party as to the rejection of other parties. The extremes and Europe-critical parties, it would be of benefit to the survey, the results of the Bertelsmann Foundation on Friday morning in Berlin.

the supporters of The parties on the political fringes are mobilized according to the survey, more than those of the political centre, which is currently “a little election weary”, according to the survey. For the study in twelve European countries, 23’725 election were interviewed justified.

Indeed, want to participate, therefore, a good two-thirds of all respondents to the EU election, but their choice of many Europeans could be, therefore, of an anti-attitude against parties.

The average of all the parties, only about six of 100 eligible voters (6.3%) identify themselves according to the investigation was positive, with a party. In contrast, almost every Second (49 percent) has a negative party identity – that is, he rejects one or even multiple parties to complete.

“Many citizens do not decide on a party, but vote against parties that reject them the most,” said the co-author of the study and democracy, expert of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Robert Vehrkamp.

Given the strong mobilization of Europe-critical parties, the level of turnout will be, “for the results of the election and the future of Europe is at stake,” said the Chairman of the Board of the Bertelsmann Foundation, Aart De Geus. Europe need working majorities in the new European Parliament: “the mobilization of The largely Pro-European middle is an important prerequisite for that.”

The study shows, according to the authors, that the populists in their EU-scepticism, and democracy, criticism are agreed. In substantive issues, the voters of the left – and right-wing populists are divided, therefore, even more than the voters of the established parties.

also, the values for rejection or acceptance of individual parties on the political fringes have been Identified in the survey. The extreme and populist parties, with around 52 percent of the collected values, the highest Rejection. At the same time the right-wing populists on the meadows but, with around ten percent of the highest and the left-populists, with around six percent of relatively high values in the positive party identification.

“The populist parties have managed in a relatively short period of time, to create a stable stem-voters base,” stressed Vehrkamp. “Their high rejection values also show how dangerous it is for other parties would be, the populist parties to imitate.”

Instead, the incumbent Pro-European parties should use, according to the analysis, the widespread rejection of populist parties still active for an anti-populist counter-mobilization of the voters.

The study “Europe has a choice – Populist attitudes and voting intentions at the European elections in 2019” is based on a multi-national Online survey. The sampling of the respondents are samples according to the authors, each representative of the party in the forthcoming European election voting age population in each of the twelve countries studied.

For the survey, the opinion research Institute YouGov interviewed on behalf of the Bertelsmann Foundation in January, voters in Germany, France, Greece, great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Spain and Hungary. (aru/AFP)

Created: 26.04.2019, 10:00 PM