How is it going to be enough with the people’s initiative “A Europe – Avenue-now the SBB Area Neugasse buy”? With this question, the Zurich city Parliament on Wednesday evening and charged the city Council with an implementation template.

This comes in the 125-member municipal Council. You will find the appeal, must not vote on the Initiative at the ballot box.

half of the apartments to limited prices

Up to now, is for the SBB , the sale of 29’000 square meters large area or a full levy in the building is not an Option. However, they had proposed, together with the city Council a solution to meet the objectives of the initiative part.

the complex is to be built over 75 percent of homes. A third of them would be made in the construction of cooperatives. The SBB would build the other two-thirds, of which half will be leased to limited prices and for market rent.

FDP and SVP languages of extortion

this proposal is now to be according to the will of the city Council, again with the SBB will be discussed. Because of this “strange Hybrid limited prices,” want to know the majority in Parliament, nothing. The share of the non-profit housing should be at least 50 percent, and durable.

If the SBB is not ready, then it will have the appropriate Rezoning in Parliament “very difficult”, it was said by the majority on the Council. The minority FDP, and SVP – languages of extortion. The 50 percent the request came through without any problems.

city Council does not want a cul-de-SAC

The competent city Council, building Board of Directors, AndrĂ© Odermatt (SP), showed up on Wednesday night convinced that the project “is in the pipeline at the core of good”. It does not make sense to run the Neugasse project in a cul-de-SAC. And that would be you. in his view, with a vote on the Initiative This is not just feasible, said, or Matt. You can’t force the SBB for sale.

Its aim is to develop an implementation template “failed”. All need to work together and all want. If this is not successful, it would be a missed opportunity for the circle 5 and the whole city of Zurich, said, or Matt.


Created: 10.04.2019, 21:03 PM