In 2017 was batteriselskapet Alevo bankrupt, and the founder Jostein Eikeland went under the ground. Before the time had Dagens Næringsliv (DN) written several critical articles about the company that had collected 2.5 billion from investors and was valued at 13 billion before they had a single product.

the Company should have hired in the past politioverbetjent and head for the voldsavsnittet in the Oslo police, Finn Abrahamsen. Abrahamsen is now a private investigator, and engaged writer and journalist Per Asle Rustad to help him with the mission. Rustad wrote for the Newspaper under the district court’s treatment of the Jensen case, but says that he completed the mission for Abrahamsen before the time.

So determined Jensens fate the Newspaper Plus

Finn Abrahamsen refused to say anything about ensuring the character when he testified in the trial of Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen in the previous week. Privatetterforskeren confirmed, however, that he was given the assignment of a mediator for Alevo, which should have received the reports. The mission was billed to the Alevo, paid from abroad, according to Abrahamsen.

Cappelen was storaksjonær and had a number of contacts in the company. One of the people Abrahamsen and Rustad met, was the hvitvaskingsdømte finansakrobaten Paul Gruben.

They talked to me about journalists who had been unfaithful in the service. I was engaged in the Alevo, and they would talk with me about it, claim Gruben.

smear campaign

DN-journalists’s Skaalmo and Knut Gjernes wrote issues for Today’s Businesses.

private investigator: Find Abrahamsen will not comment on the claims from the Current Business. Photo: Henning ” / Dagbladet Show more

We were tipped off that Finn Abrahamsen was involved in a smear campaign against us in the forefront of a critical documentary about Alevo. The goal was to discredit us, and try to stop the upcoming article. When we got to hear about this, we took contact with Abrahamsen and confronted him with this. After that we heard nothing more, says Skaalmo to the Newspaper.

It was surprising for us that a former police officer worked so, with this type of clients, ” he says.

Abrahamsen answer the following:

It is true that that Skaalmo together with a colleague uhøfligst met at my private address and the desired information about a mission, something he was cash refused to get information about. The other he says, can I cash decline, he says to Dagbladet.

Former legal director at Alevo, Tord Eide, says it is “certainly not appropriate” that Abrahamsen was hired to drive a smear campaign and discredit the journalists.

It is known that Abrahamsen had an assignment for Alevo. What mission went out on, I can’t say, ” says Mr. to the Newspaper.

RIGHT: Per Asle Rustad testified before the Borgarting court of appeal today. DN-journalist’s Skaalmo came with on the diploma. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet Show more – More interested in Cappelen and Jensen,

Finansakrobat Gruben, who was related to Alevo-founder Eikeland and Cappelen, claim that Abrahamsen and Rustad were particularly interested in information about the relationship between Eirik Jensen and Gjermund Cappelen. Find Abrahamsen called even this “overskuddsinformasjon” in court.

– They were not so interested in the ratio of Alevo, ” says Gruben.

According to Abrahamsen met de Gruben four times from september 2016 and until the last meeting 15. December 2016. The meetings occurred both in the Berg prison outside Tønsberg, norway, and in Oslo, where Gruben had leave from the prison. Dagens Næringsliv had in august of that year published a great documentary about the “Seriemilliardæren” Jostein Eikeland.

writing for the Newspaper

Just a week after it should have been the last meeting with Gruben as a private investigator, had Abrahamsen-assistant, Per Asle Rustad its first case concerning the Jensen/Cappelen-case on the press in the Newspaper.

Claims Jensen speaks false about McDonald’s-meeting he did not dare to talk about

“are Doomed to have sold methadone to Cappelen” was the title of the Rustads article. In the aftermath, he had a handful of the articles on the press in the Newspaper, among other things, about a secret meeting at McDonald’s in Oslo in september 2013, in which Cappelen and more heavy criminals were present. It was Gruben as the first to have told about the McDonald’s-meeting to Abrahamsen and Rustad, who was then engaged as a private.

Per Asle Rustad says in court that the contract for Alevo not had anything with the Jensen case to make, and that he finished it before he got the assignment for the Newspaper. The last article Rustad had on the press in the Newspaper about the Jensen case was 25. march 2017, and he has not been engaged by the Newspaper during processing in the Borgarting court of appeal.

Defends critical

cappelen in his defense Benedict de Vibe asked more critical questions about the possible rolleblanding as a journalist and assistant for the Abrahamsen.

I was very clear that the mission was completed before I started on the other, ” says Rustad in court.

We know that there was a meeting between you and Gruben and Abrahamsen 15. December. So, there are several articles, the first comes with the 23.12 for the Newspaper. It is not so that you replace only the cloak here? ask the Vibe.

– No, I was very clear on that, and was, of course, very carefully on these things. I completed this mission and went over in an assignment for the Newspaper, ” says Rustad.

Rustad confirms that he and Abrahamsen were engaged in the summer of 2016 and that the contract lasted until December 2016. He told not about the mission and the contact with Gruben in the interrogation with Spesialenheten in the interrogation in the summer of 2018. He says this was because of the confidentiality relating to private investigator-mission, but that Finn Abrahamsen eventually overturned parts of this.

DIRECT: Several new and startling witnesses this week to testify in the trial against Eric Jensen. One of them was the director of public prosecutions. Commentator: Martine Aurdal. Reporter: Hegelstad Eiendomsselskap Arvid B. Hegelstad Mogen. Video: Bjørn Langsem Show more

The two notified also Eirik Jensen’s defenders if found during the tingrettsbehandlingen and was sued as witnesses of the defenders during the treatment in the court of appeal on the so-called McDonald’s-meeting.

the Meeting has been an important part of the trial, and Jensen and his defenders claim Cappelen was threatened at the meeting and that this may have been a motivation to talk into Jensen when he was arrested just over three months later.


Both Abrahamsen and Rustad have explained about the threats and pengekrav against Cappelen, something hasjbaronen and Paul Gruben, who was present at the McDonald’s meeting, denies.

they said They had a knowledge of Jensen and was wondering if I could say something that could help him. They were keen to find out what was the relationship between both and what had happened. I felt it was of self-interest. Probably as a friend of Jensen’s, said Gruben in court yesterday.

Gruben was associated with Alevo-founder Eikeland and Gjermund Cappelen, and have even explained that it was he who put the two in contact. He testified for the first time in the Jensen case, the Borgarting court of appeal yesterday.

Enormous values Cappelen særbehandles in prison: Get spesialtransport to the lawyer and should have called witnesses from home

When Gjermund Cappelen (52) was arrested after a top secret politioperasjon in December 2013, revealed the police an empire for hasjsmugling and a personal finances without equal in the English crime story.

Overall, the state’s claims against the hasjbaronen from Bærum at 825 million, and the investigation uncovered decades with a huge luksusforbruk.

But one of the greatest assets the police found traces of, was cappelen in his shares in the batteriselskapet Alevo. The total Cappelen 14 498 shares in the company, but a “street value” of over 14 million, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

the Newspaper spent years researching how Cappelen had white washed tens of millions of dollars, and started to look at his role in Alevo. The company was then priced at over 13 billion without having delivered a single product, and had brought in over 2.5 billion from investors, including Gjermund Cappelen.

Tells about the frenetic island paradise-escape: Spent a million on the bribes and got help from the “Gold-gruben”