“Climate and värderingskamp can lift the EU-options”

“Climate change, concern about extremism and a feeling that something important is at stake.”

“It is such as can determine whether more voters than 2014 and to vote in elections to the EUROPEAN parliament the 26 of may.”

“the Very talk of an increase in the voter turnout in years, there are indications in opinion polls that suggest it,” says Magnus Blomgren, senior lecturer in political science at Umeå university.”

“For those who have the vote as a yardstick for democracy is the EUROPEAN elections a sad story, in any case, compared with parliamentary elections. In the last year, voted nearly 9 out of 10 persons entitled to vote in parliamentary elections, over 87 per cent. In the EU elections in 2014, it was 51.1 per cent – of every two voters abstained.”

“the Differences in voting turnout in Sweden is huge. There are areas, electoral districts, with only just over 20% participation, while the top has an 80 per cent participation.”

“Yet, Sweden was good in the league for the turnout in the EUROPEAN elections among EU countries. In the last two elections, it has increased by approximately 5 percentage points each time.”

“Magnus Blomgren believe that there are political reasons for the turnout could be higher this year than in 2014. Several parties want to give the choice of a framing of the battle in which the important values of openness, democracy, the rule of law stands against right wing extremism and nationalist populism and the like to limit the EU’s scope.”

“– It makes enough that many feel it can be important to make their voice heard, ” says Blomgren.”

“Linda Berg is an associate professor of political science and head of the Centre for European studies at Gothenburg university. She believes that the fact that no parliamentary party any longer pushes that Sweden should leave the EU can reduce interest among the opponents of the UNION. The interest can also be cooler because it is far to the next general election.”

“But there is a trend for increased voter turnout.”

“– It may have contributed is that the swedes are increasingly positive towards the EU, ” says Linda Berg, and talking about increased knowledge about the union and that membership is seen as a matter of course now.”

“Mountains, underlines the fact that research shows that röstviljan will increase if citizens perceive that something is at stake. This time there may be values and thoughts on how the EU should develop and live up to the tenets.”

“– Antipopulism stands against change from within, it becomes something that is at stake, ” says Linda Berg.”

“Both she and Magnus Blomgren indicates that the environment and the climate debate may be of importance. Mountains thinking if it may be a Greta Thunberg-effect, for example.”

“– Many voters associate Elections to the european parliament, yes to the EU at all, with the environmental issue. It is the issue most highlighted by the voters for the EU to keep on with the the question now is so huge on the wallpaper, it can have a positive effect, ” says Magnus Blomgren.”

“the political scientist Andreas Johansson Heinö, manager on the centre-right think tank Timbro, the think that the lack of a real konfliktfråga ahead of the elections.”

“– I Personally do not think that making the choice to have a choice against or for extremism, I believe that voters want more substance, ” says Johansson Heinö which, among other things, has criticized the Centre party and the Liberals for their speech if värderingsval.”

“Johansson Heinö and his colleagues recalls that the EUROPEAN elections more than other options is that parties need to mobilize their own sympathizers to go and vote. How the parties engaged in the campaign has great significance for the röstningsviljan.”

“In years can be a part of the left party and the sweden democrats’ supporters to be extra difficult to attract, their parties, pushing the no longer an EU exit.”

“– There is still a pretty big väljargrupp who want to see tougher EU-criticism, they have nowhere to go now. The case for SD and V to walk the tightrope and remind people that they are the most EU-critical but that, for tactical reasons, do not want to pursue an exit right now, ” says Johansson Heinö.”

“Elections to the EUROPEAN parliament in 2019 is the sixth in the order, since Sweden became member of EU in 1995.”

“The first was held in the autumn of 1995, when voted 41.3 per cent of those entitled to vote.”

“the Then prime minister, Ingvar Carlsson (S), talked about a serious setback and Centerledaren Olof Johansson on a democratic disaster.”

“the voter Turnout fell even further in the two elections, 1999 and 2004, with the bottom 37,9 2004.”

“of 2009, to 45.5 per cent and in 2014 increased it further, to 51,1.”

“IN the EU as a whole, voter turnout has, as an average calculated, has decreased since the first direct elections to parliament in 1979.”

“2014 was 42.6 per cent on average in the then 28 member states.”

“That the cut has dropped a lot depends on the turnout in the new member states who have arrived since 2004, a total of 13 countries in Eastern and Central europe, traditionally is low.”

“Source: Factsheet on EU-elections, Gothenburg university. The electoral authority.”