“Cold records in the past – the cold is”

“the Cold over the country. Last Sunday was the winter’s lowest temperature so far, and no drastic weather changes will take place within the next few days.”

“Expect to keep the hat and the mittens in the next few days, the cold is not going away. In southern Sweden it will be mostly cloudy to overcast and snow with a hint of rain. In the north is expected to be mostly cloudy with continued low temperatures.”

“– on Friday and the forward forecasts are more uncertain, and what the weather is for the weekend is not entirely clear. But we can probably assume that it at times becomes more coherent catchment zones over the country, ” says Sofia Söderberg, meteorologist at SMHI.”

“During a hard-recorded the season’s lowest temperature in Sweden, as it was 35,1 freezing temperatures in Karesuando, Kiruna municipality.”