The car industry is going through a history of great transition. It offers Finnish companies and innovation, a good place to get the big players of the international market.

Car is becoming a mobile device on wheels, and the revolution of the main trends are digital, connectivity, autonomy and service sit. We have a lot of small companies that have these much skills, said Business Finland car industry expert Mikko Koskue .

Finnish car companies are not known in the world as well as for example swedes.

– It is simply due to the fact that we don’t have a big automotive customers in the country, unlike the western neighbours, which is Volvo and Scania. The ongoing revolution is, however, us a great opportunity.

Koskuen according to the big automotive event in Finland is most visible in those countries which do not have their own car industry.

– We have a lot of small start-ups, who have their development work fast and flexible. It is a big point, because it’s not the car manufacturers themselves. I have personally worked with, inter alia, Daimlerilla, which is around 300 000 workers – not the kind of ship to turn very quickly, Koskue compare.

brand Recognition is hard work

Last year, Koskue has helped Finnish companies to get in the car industry and the ensuing Finnish antics near.

we have a Nokia background, due to good software skills. It does not, for example, the car industry left in the country of Germany have enough, but knowledge has to be taken there from elsewhere.

Transport, logistics and mobility services is predicted in the coming years to eur 6.5 billion global business. Business finland’s Smart Mobility program to help finns find their share of the market. The program offers companies assistance in financing, networking, marketing and internationalisation. Export and marketing skills we still have a lot to do.

the car industry works just in his own way, and the competition is extremely hard. For example, BMW’s door knocking on a huge number of companies, and already the fact that you can get them to even understand what you offer, requires sometimes an enormous amount of work, Koskue said.

of Course, many have already reached the large car manufacturers on the bandwagon. A well known example is the virtual dashboards the manufacturer right ware, whose collaboration with Audi with the top a few years ago and has expanded already to a large group of other manufacturers.

– we have dozens of other companies that have good references, and, for example, Mercedes-Benz with will cooperate with already a dozen of Finnish companies.

Mikko Koskue talking about the motoring of the future event. The potential and competence in Finland is enough

Even if technology development is rapid, the car sector is on the other hand, very slow to change, because the players are big. Manufacturers desire to change discourages also the fact that in recent years they have gone financially very well.

the Global auto industry transformation of and there the success of the Finnish company, the number of is in a few years many times, which is a very wonderful thing. Still, I see it only as a prelude, the potential is much more.

What the Finnish new innovation or business Koskue would like to raise, for example, an interesting and revolutionary idea?

the car in almost the entire front design has a built in speaker terms – and ultimately, the voice ovikaiuttimen will be in practice, special care may survive needed. Finnish Flexoundin idea is to place the speakers bench in. It would give entirely new opportunities in door design. Also sound and audio experience will be improved, as, for example, the bass pounding, I feel a completely different way. In addition, the weight may save a little, and a car in every saved pound is a big thing.