A car used for many purposes, and among other things to carry a lot of things, f.ex. on the way home from the local hardware store or a trip in Ikea.

But to have the many loose things in the car is not without risk and can, in the event of an accident at even lower speeds end fatally. It shows a crash test, as the FDMs, German sister organisation, the ADAC, made of cars packed with purchases from a furniture store.

It writes the FDM in a press release.

In one of the tests was a total of 145 kg of miscellaneous boxes and items loaded into a typical family car without much forethought, after which a collision was simulated by letting the car run head on into a wall with 45 km/h.

Despite the relatively low speed was the one in the chair torn loose, and the headrest was ripped off by. Both testdukker front was clamped down, and the one doll was also struck in the head by the objects with so much force, that it is in an actual accident had resulted in life-threatening injuries.

– Many are not aware of the risk to ride with loose objects in the car and the forces that are triggered by a collision. But as the test shows, it can easily end fatally. In this test triggered the 145 kg heavy cargo upon impact with a force equivalent to seven tonnes, but even smaller amounts can have fatal consequences, says Søren W. Rasmussen., bilteknisk editor in the FDM, in the press release.

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the ADAC tested by the same token, what difference it makes if the car is properly packed, and things are tightened properly. By the same collision and the speed remained the same content, held and constituted no danger to either the driver or passenger.

– the Difference of the two crash tests underscores the importance of packing the car correctly. Even if many excuse themselves with, that they are not very far and only running slowly. You can’t have it all at once, one run twice, rather than to compromise on safety. Alternatively, you can use a trailer or a van, says Søren W. Rasmussen.

– Also the car manufacturers may be better to identify how goods can be tightened firmly. Among other things, with the straps in the car and a clear marking of where in the car these can be fixed. In addition, a vertical safety net, that can separate the cab and cargo area, be standard in cars or other larger cars. Unfortunately, it is far from the case today. In the end, however, it is up to the individual car owner to make sure that the car is packed securely, he says.

Big and heavy things put on the bottom and like totally up to the rear seat or on the floor.

– make Sure that the thing is not solved and can not move in the event of a collision.

– Use harnesses and straps to buckle estate real. They can often be fixed by special hooks in your car – see owner’s manual.

– Collect the smaller items in one box.

– Use the vehicle’s safety net, if it has one.

– make Sure, that there still is a good view to the rear.

– Overloading the car. Instead run two times, or use a trailer.

– Folded rear seat backrest forward, one should pay special attention to loose objects in the car.

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