Maybe you’re one of the hundreds of thousands of danes, who last year got a parking charge. Perhaps you’re even among those who think the fine was legally undeserved.
If this is the case, there is hope ahead.
A new board with the colloquial title ‘Parkeringsklagenævnet’ has just been given by the minister of trade Rasmus Jarlovs (C) final approval, and will from February begin to deal with the first appeals, writes bilistorganisationen FDM in a press release.
this saves both citizens and parkeringsselskaber to in court, when there is a dispute about tax fairness.
The new board gets words of praise from the FDM, that even has a representative in the board. Head of the FDM, Lennart Fogh, call the minister’s approval for ‘a victory for consumers’.
– IN the FDM, we believe that Parkeringsklagenævnet can make a positive difference – both for consumers and the industry – and, not least, it can relieve the courts of many parkeringssager, he says in the press release.
At the Consumer council Think is the deputy director Vagn Jelsøe also excited about the new board, which according to him will make it easier for citizens to complain about the p-charges.
– We know from the other boards as we are with in that they help to create a common understanding of how it is OK for companies to behave, and we hope that this tribunal will have the same effect on the parking area, he says in the press release.
As Extra the Blade previously described, the board of appeal, however, a risk that had to reject a large portion of the complaints, because people do not have set itself properly into the rules. It can do on the board’s website.
Parkeringsklagenævnet was originally put in place 1. July last year, but only after the minister’s formal approval get right in time with the first decisions. The work begins here in February.
you Will have dealt with your complaint, the cost in the first instance, a fee of 175 dollars, which you get refunded if you are unsuccessful in the case. However, you should first have complained to the company that issued the charge before the tribunal will look at the case.
so far, So good, when private p companies are too fast with the block. But for the many thousands of charges, which the municipality is printing, there is still not much help to be had.
The municipal p-guards escape, in other words. For this walk.