hospitals and clinics will benefit from a new envelope of eur 100 million intended to offset the additional costs related to the crisis of the sars coronavirus, said Tuesday the State secretary to the minister of Health Adrian Cleat. “The first national budget of 377 million was allocated in April to offset the additional costs related to the management of patients covid,” said Mr. Stopper, who was interviewed during questions to the government at the national Assembly.

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This first budget extension, calculated on the basis of the activity data for the month of march, will be complemented by a second envelope of € 100 million”, “allocated soon to the institutions”, added the secretary of State. According to Mr. Rider, this money “will come to strengthen and complement the allocations to jurisdictions that have been most affected by the covid (…), and this for all sectors of hospitalization, whether public or private”.

84,4 billion of hospital spending in 2020

These budget envelopes are in addition to 84,4 billion euros of hospital expenditure, voted to 2020, according to the ministry. “I also remember that a guarantee of funding has been in place since march to all the health facilities, in order to secure their cash and their revenue of activity, which were able to be in decline,” pointed out Adrian Cleat.

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The Fédération hospitalière de France (FHF) was evaluated at the end of April between 600 and 900 million euros in costs related to the crisis of the coronavirus to the public hospitals. In the case: the investments required to equip the beds in the intensive care unit, purchase of protective equipment, tests, medicines, or pay the overtime of the personnel and the personal come in reinforcement.

these additional costs are also added loss of important revenue, related to déprogrammations interventions and the decrease of the number of patients for diseases other than sars coronavirus.

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