The SVP, delivered on Monday evening in the municipal Council, the big Surprise: you agreed with the Greens/AL and with the SP-majority against the air-inflated hall, outdoor swimming pool Geiselweid. Surprisingly, this was because the SVP had argued so far, always for sports facilities in General, and for more winter swimming.

Why the change? The Whole thing was a “shield citizens string and a botch,” said SVP district Council Michael Gross. The location Geiselweid is unfavorable, the access is overloaded. In addition, in 2012, 53 percent of the voting no would have said to a convertible roof. The people it will apply to respect, now and again the vote was a Zwängerei, found a Great name of the SVP.


Winterthur is in Need of a temporary roof for the swimming pool?

Yes, of course!
no, not at all.
Vote clearly



no, not at all.


40 votes

Yes, of course!


no, not at all.


40 votes

In the same boat as the SVP and the Greens suddenly found themselves. Only your Opposition is to consistently and constantly. Also, the Greens argue with the (lack of) Aesthetics, but mainly with the Ecology. Such a “balloon worm in the quarters,” wool said no one Reto servant, “also, the hot air fan can be heard far and wide”. Primary but the Whole thing is “an Energy guzzler par excellence,” and “the Trick of the Biogas certificates makes it better”.

in Order to have even the Chance that such a hall would be granted, had proposed to the city Council to purchase Biogas certificates. Heated but would not work with Biogas, but with district heating from the KVA, the need to preheat in the Winter, often with fossil fuels. The Greens protested that they were not opposed to the principle of a second indoor swimming pool, but a real, well-built, it must be.

SP, split, GLP satisfied

The SP was not to be absences due to Illness present (like other groups), and agreed to split. Ten of the airdome rejected, four voted for it. FDP, green liberal, EVP and CVP were closed for the airdome. The green liberals accepted all aspects of the hall. It was a “good compromise between Ecology and Economy,” said Samuel Kocher. The Biogas certificates to be a reasonable model and the project as a Whole is a reasonable interim solution, until in 15 years, a real indoor swimming pool was built.

As a white, thick caterpillar-the roof is on the pool Geiselweid. Visusalisierung: PD

The spokesman of all parties emphasized the need for more covered water surface and it’s going to be a transitional solution until the Winterthur have a second indoor swimming pool. Where such a should be, how it will be funded, and whether Foreign higher entrance fee shall pay the prices, it was also clear disagreement. But that was on Monday just on the edge. Very well, it was but a question of whether the people should not have the right, once again, on the question of a Canopy to vote.

Dishonest and unsportsmanlike

representatives of many of the parties had, together with water sports over 2000 clubs collected signatures for a popular initiative. The local Council had discussed it, and then a counter-proposal approved. In the result, the initiators withdrew their request – in the Faith of the then-clear 37:18-majority in the municipal Council. On Monday there was no clear majority. On the contrary, It was extremely scarce.

Katrin Cometta (GLP) urged the Council in this Situation, it was honest, in this way, now the hall or, at least, the referendum to go ahead and deportees. That would be very unsportsmanlike, also found Markus Wenger (FDP).

thanks to the result of 27 Yes to 26 no, there can be a referendum. It is a air-inflated hall, at a cost of 2.5 million francs, and around half a Million each year, in addition to the operation. The hall will be open from October to April, during 90 hours per week. (Country messenger)

Created: 26.02.2019, 10:00 PM