After the release of Police crime statistics to 2018, policy, and unions react to the Berlin police President Barbara Slowik and interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) on Wednesday published Figures. As in previous years, it already became clear, the case numbers continue to be positive. “In Berlin, not Sodom and Gomorrah,” said the Chairman of the Berlin police Union, Norbert Cioma, but he also sees a need for action. Here, we have gathered for you the voices and reactions.

The says the trade Union. The Chairman of the police Union, Norbert Cioma evaluate the statistics as “the Only existing Instrument for policy, to evaluate crime and appropriate approaches to develop” The development of crime go to pay in the right direction. Although the Numbers are not repeated overwhelmingly positive, the number of crimes in Berlin at a high level. Cioma said: “Behind all the crime only the offender, but also people who robbed, killed or injured. Not a single victim of it helps further, if the statistics is generally down. We need to be of a growing city and the police criticism and additional jobs to increase presence in the Public by means of a clean Task makes sense.”

the Chairman of The Federation of German criminal police officer, Daniel Kretschmer, said: “If Berlin is really safe, the Figures are not directly derived. The viewing, for example, the dark field is missing.” He advises: “We need to have periodic safety reports, which it gave up in 2006 on the Federal level. The scientific analysis and processing to the overall picture of the crime situation beyond the statistics would be an important source of knowledge for the police. The low clear-up rate, which can be improved with more staff in the right Places and a good overall strategy, certainly prepares me.”

the CDU said. The Chairman of the Berlin CDU group, Burkard Dregger calls despite the lower Numbers, generally speaking, a better clear-up rate: “The clear-up rate despite a slight increase to 44.4 percent (plus 0.2 percent) not a reason to celebrate. Investigation of crimes must not be in our city to be the exception. Other länder, such as Hessen (69,2) are better.” Dregger calls for more far-reaching powers for police officers, as it is in other States.

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The Greens say. Benedikt Lux, the inner political spokesman of the Green party, recognizes in the case of successes of the red figures-the red-green government. On the short message service Twitter, he wrote: “With good police and red-red-green:decrease in recorded offences from 568.000 at 511.000. maybe just a snapshot, but the strengthening of training and equipment, not political exploitation, and a focus on effective crime-fighting shows first signs of success.”

the FDP says. inner politician Marcel Luthe criticized, however, the statistics: “The Senate is not fighting, apparently, to view the criminal, but crime. The decline in case numbers is derived solely from the types of offences that are set to success, as a rule, in Berlin without Identifying (theft) and from the lax display of the BVG, which shows only every third power of obtaining even behavior,” says Luthe.

Different classification of the drug offences…

the Green say to drugs. In the case of offences in Berlin drug Benedikt Lux wrote: “and 62.4 % of all offences committed against the narcotics act (+ 595 to 2017) were associated with Cannabis still more unnecessary work, unnecessary criminalization, not bad for an enlightened handling and health” and called for a legalization of marijuana.

the FDP says to drugs. Marcel Luthe sees the opposite .”The further increase in case numbers in the area of drug-related crime, in spite of the tolerance of open trade by R2G – evidence of the expansion of the problem, and thus the business success of the Organised (Clan)crime in this city, which are funded significantly from these crimes.”

… and also the Sex – and violence-related offences

the FDP says to Sexual and violent offences. The Numbers have risen in the the latest Police crime statistics. To FDP-politician Luthe: “The increase in Sexual and violent offences, the lens is poor security assigned location in our city. The further increase in these offences in the area of public TRANSPORT shows once more that the video recording of crimes prevented actions that could only security personnel could be funded with the funds for the cameras.”

Sex in the Green to say – and violence-related offences. Lux sees more action needs to be: Strong, fly in the ointment: the number of victims of violence has increased – contrary to the Trend in the case of theft & fraud. It is a lot of work remains to be done for more protection of victims, assistance, care, legal protection, prevention and a better police.

the CDU said to Sex and violence. Burkard Dregger: “worrying increases in sexual harassment (65.7 per cent) or child abuse (2.5 percent). Sexual offences have also risen by 10.9 per cent. Here, we need to develop new strategies and concepts, and existing Preventative measures to counteracting this Trend.”

read more about the crime statistics in the daily mirror

– Less pickpockets, more cocaine, violence continue to be high. How safe is Berlin? The first Figures are available – from arson to criminal offences against the law on Asylum. From car Airbags are stolen. Here are the Numbers in the Overview.

– The Numbers are on the decline. Everywhere? In Kladow and Gatow, there was a series of burglaries. Read more here in the Spandau-Newsletter.

The crime statistics 2018: the Figures in the previous year, looked – here is the daily mirror-Text.

The police statistics for Spandau – District for the District of. In which District of mainly break-ins are perpetrated? Where are the pickpockets? Listed by the Senate administration for internal Affairs. Here is an Overview of the Spandau-Newsletter.

– Like statistics problems disappear. Theoretically, a society is conceivable in which there are, according to statistics, almost no crime. Because the people have lost all confidence in the police and the judiciary. A daily mirror comment by Harald Martenstein.

– All 17 minutes-is stolen in Berlin a Bicycle. At least 30,000 bicycles stolen per year in Berlin. The police is not against the fence, and bound. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

– the number of homo – and TRANS-hostile violence is on the rise. 313 homo – and TRANS-enemy crimes were registered in Germany in 2018. Here is the daily mirror-Text.

read more from your district

Twelve of the Newsletter, twelve districts: Our people-the Newsletter from all districts of Berlin you can order for free here: