Moerbeke-Waas In Moerbeke-Waas is the environment of the supermarket Okay currently evacuated after the discovery of a suspicious package with white powder.

According to mayor Robby De Caluwé is there in a bananendoos in the supermarket this afternoon, a white powder found. “There was, however, also a light ticking sound from the box. There is, therefore, no risk is taken and is immediately the supermarket was evacuated and a perimeter set of 100 metres around the store.” The emergency services including the ontmijningsdienst DOVO, the fire department of Zelzate and the police of the zone, Puyenbroeck, are currently on the spot. All traffic in the Statiestraat is redirected. There are also a number of houses in the vicinity of the supermarket was evacuated. The residents wait outside the perimeter the results of the research. “We also have the senior home was opened for residents that the cold would have, and not out of want but only four people has provisionally made use of it”, let the mayor know.

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