It aroused great enthusiasm at home, as Influenced by Dan Jørgensen, earlier this year went in right against the Fox News host Trish Regan’s outcome against Denmark.

the Video went viral in both the UNITED states and Denmark, and after president Donald Trumps recent attacks on the scandinavian model of society, is folketingsmedlemmet once again ready to defend Denmark’s honor in the great abroad.

It happens in a video, where Jorgensen is visiting the democratic senator Bernie Sanders, who seems very fond of the Danish welfare model.

In the video is the Danish society was praised by Sanders and Bruce, and the type of videos is almost gone inflation in the among Danish politicians, believe Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

– I don’t know how many politicians have ridden on the backs of the american studieværter and politicians, who have been out to say that Denmark is a socialist.

– It creates just the popularity to take it up, Kristian Jensen has tried to do the same, Lars Løkke have tried to do the same, all politicians would like to ride on the wave. Dan Jørgensen leads just on the point, because he went viral in the UNITED states with the first video he made, tells Henrik Qvortrup.

See Dan Jørgensen’s first video, where he gives us the presenter is dry.

But even though Dan Jørgensen is probably about to go viral again, so it can according to Qvortrup end up being used against the Social democrats, which consequently can end up being penalized in the election campaign

– Seen in a Danish context it is here of course a video for a social-democratic politician on the way of campaigning goes two ways.

– It is popular to tell abroad, that Denmark is a better country than they think, but just to Party out in the election campaign, where I guess that they will want to tell the voters that things are NOT so good in Denmark, Lars Løkke claim they are.

– It, Dan Jørgensen helps with to the video, it is telling that ‘it may well be that when we are fighting against Lars Løkke, so we tell that things are not working, but when we raise ourselves up a little, so it is actually quite good all together’, says the political commentator, who finds it extremely likely that the video will be used against the Social democrats when the election gets closer.

– Lars Løkke will probably be based on when he stands and discusses with Mette Frederiksen, who will tell him that things are not working.

– So he will probably point out how leading socialist politicians have been out to the rose of Denmark.

Henrik Qvortrup concludes by pointing out how Jorgensen in his eyes makes a good figure in the videos.

– Dan Jørgensen do it well in the videos, but it goes two ways, because the main project for him in this video and the other, it is that everything is really good in Denmark. But I guess that the message from the leader of the Party in the election campaign which is just ahead, will be the opposite, says.