Islamkritiker Rasmus Paludan has the past week been given much attention during the more unruly demonstrations, in which he has criticised muslims, and among other things burned korans.

Nicolai Würtz from Brønshøj was tired of the City and therefore decided to create a collection with Danish Refugee council as a protest against the ytringerne.

In the 48 hours that collected over 300,000 kroner to the Danish Refugee council. Thursday night has 2700 people donated money.

– It may not be free to provoke conflict on the way. So I would like to turn karmabøtten against him.

– I think, that I – like so many other regular people – think that Rasmus Paludan has the right to say what he will, but that it may not be completely free.

– I think that the collection is a cute way to tease him, so there will be money in every time he is on the street and burn a qur’an, says Nicolai Würtz, who on a daily basis is the tv manufacturer.

Nicolai Würtz has no desire to show his disagreement with Rasmus Paludan to go on the street, and he sees the collection as a more constructive way to show his opinions.

– I think that the Rasmus paludan’s demonstrations very easily turns into conflict, and it becomes very easy yelling and screaming.

– Where he creates hatred and conflict, then I try to assemble them, that will hope, says Nicolai Würtz.

At the Danish Refugee council says communication director Annette Spanggaard, that’s seldom seen collection with so much money in so short a time, when you look away from the organisation’s annual landsindsamling.

– It is real well done, that there is so much money. They have come quite unexpectedly, and we are of course happy, she says.

She says that the money will be used for some of the Danish Refugee council madklubber around in Denmark, where refugees and volunteers danes can meet and eat together.

– You get a bit of bread and can meet with other refugees and danes. It is a very good scene to integrate our new compatriots in Denmark, says Annette Spanggaard.