A young man with English nationality did Sunday streets and roads in the southern town of Malaga highly uncertain, as he twice escaped from the Spanish police.

the Guardia Civils special efterforskningsgruppe road traffic accident suspect, a 22-year-old man with Danish passport to be jack paterson in Malaga at the weekend.

‘Grupo de Investigación de Accidentes de Tráfico de la Comandancia’ has, according to the nyhedssitet Spanienidag on Tuesday of this week arrested the young man, who is described as of ‘Danish origin’ and as a resident in Malaga.

He is allegedly responsible for having påkørt a Guardia Civil officer early Sunday morning in the Carlos Haya tunnel in the outskirts of Malaga after a frantic car chase.

the circumstances of The case and the reason for the flight to be investigated continue, just as it is necessary to examine whether there were other passengers in the car.

It will write the local media in Málaga, Diario Sur.

the Drama took place after a car chase, which ended abruptly in the Carlos Haya tunnel, where the police – in the first place – managed to bring the car with the young dane behind the wheel to a halt.

But when the officers got out of their patrol car to arrest flugtbilisten, he stepped again heavy on the accelerator and escaped from the spot, while he hit a cop in the move.

the Cop came, thankfully, not seriously hurt, so the police resumed the pursuit in order to get passiviseret the potentially fatal Danish flugbilist.

Police later found on Sunday, the vehicle abandoned in the Malaga district of Virreina. The driver of the vehicle was, however, first found on Tuesday evening.

While police continue to investigate the matter, and whether there were other persons in the car, as the hunt began, the 22-year-old dane is now questioned.

There is no information in Diario Sur or other Spanish media about what prompted the man to flee. The decision to make it may, however, come to cost him dearly in the form of a fine and possibly a prison sentence.