The referendum on the expropriation of large housing companies has triggered heated discussions. While Green-chief Habeck, the idea is conceivable, speaks to the CSU of socialist ideas.

In the debate For and against expropriations of large housing enterprises, the opinions couldn’t be clearer apart. While Greens leader Robert Habeck, it considers it possible, if necessary, against the housing shortage to proceed, speaks Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) of the “socialist ideas”, which had to do with civil policy.

CSU land group chief Alexander Dobrindt continued in the same vein: “Who is like the Lord Habeck, according to the Motto ‘Expropriate instead to Build’ not only creates new social injustices and the social peace into question,” said Dobrindt the Newspapers of the Funke media group. Ideology solve no problems.

debate on the expropriation of housing corporations
issues of the day at 22:45, 07.04.2019, Martin Schmidt, ARD Berlin

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