The Aargau upper court reduced the matter to the quadruple murderer from Rupperswil the remuneration of the official lawyer for the appeal hearing. You should be 27 hours instead of the required 46 hours paid.

The defender should be compensated for their work with 6000 francs, as stated in the written grounds of judgment of the Supreme court. The Newspapers of the CH Media quoted on Wednesday with the judgment, which is also the news Agency Keystone-SDA.

According to the Supreme court was the official defender with the facts of the case and the factual and legal questions already from the first instance proceedings “familiar”. For the proceedings before the district court of Lenzburg, the fee 155’112 Swiss francs and 60 centimes fraud.

Three hours for meeting with a killer

“A new strategy has not been followed”, according to the reasoning of the Supreme court. The cost of a total of approximately 46 hours was excessive for “clear”. An expense of 27 hours of “appropriate”. So the Supreme court of the official defender allows a time commitment of three hours for the “necessary meetings and contacts with the accused”.

Several of the criminal defense lawyer to criticize in the Newspapers of the CH Media, the fee reduction by the high court and warn of a Two-classes- justice . The public defender would be trimmed to meet your order only apparently, is quoted by the Solothurn cantonal Prosecutor Konrad Jeker.

In the appeal before the Supreme court in December, there was the question of the ordinary or lifelong incarceration, as well as the arrangement of a lifelong Disqualification. The Supreme court confirmed the proper custody of the 35-year-old Swiss. The judgment is not yet final. The quadruple murderer protested against this detention. Life imprisonment for murder and various other serious offences, had accepted the offender. The prosecution had demanded a life-long detention.

Carefully planned act

The brutal quadruple murder had been planned. 21. December 2015, had given the then 32-Year-old with a fake Write to the inlet and into a house in his neighborhood in Rupperswil. He had it apart especially on the local 13-year-old boys.

threats with a knife, he brought the boy, whose mother, the still-sleeping older brother and his girlfriend in his violence. He tied them up, taped them to the mouths and took away the mobile phones. The mother he sent to withdraw money. Then he passed on the Worst of the 13-Year-old.

Then he killed all four people, set fire to the house and went away. Shortly thereafter, he searched the Internet for other boys peeked their families, and prepared a new fact. In may 2016, the man was arrested in Aarau. (fal/sda)

Created: 06.02.2019, 11:07 PM