The city of oulu in front of his house on Monday held a two-hour in, partly choleric word in the demonstration were required to board up work in Oulu in order to improve safety. Oulu, the finns party city council group chairman Sebastian Tynkkynen was involved in the demonstration. Tapio excellent sebastian Tynkkynen spoke about the Oulu demonstration. Tapio Excellent

the Oulu true finns, organized by the the demonstration was to get the dramatic features when the police have to find one speaker a blade of legality. The occasion was about a hundred participants.

talk to rose from among persons with foreign background a man was taken knives away. The police patrol returned it later to him, because it belonged to his clothing in its. The man spoke at the demonstration, construction overalls and blade heard his työvarustukseen, multiplied by the Oulu police department.

Blade had noticed the spot had the order of man.

One of the oulu man from the audience tried to talk to guy. The place have been the order of control and the police take the aggressor to catch up and took him to jail.

Oulu Matti Silvasti, 75, wanted to participate in the demonstration. Tapio Excellent

the Oulu true finns party city council group chairman Sebastian Tynkkynen requires the Oulu city hall on the steps of the urgent council debate to minors sexual offences against Oulu. He was very upset that this was not taken in Monday’s council agenda.

– Rape do not come in any way as a surprise. A negative asylum decision received should be removed more quickly from the country, pointed out in a demonstration participated in Matti Silvasti , 75.

I’m mad at such things, said the great the mother of the family Riitta Rönkä , and carried placards, which read ”Rapists off”.

– Oulu-makers want to get serious in the matter. February planned safety topic of the seminar the opportunity to will go in time too far, Tynkkynen says.

He is also the city council second vice-chairman.

– the Proposal that the free-form debate would have taken place immediately after the Monday council meeting at first, Tynkkynen added.

the Police find out all oulu shook sex crimes. Tynkkynen show is taken from council agenda because it did not receive the group leader of the meeting in sufficient support. Safety topic-council seminar will be held early next year, the Oulu city council president Juha Hänninen (ioc) said.

the Seminar will also be invited experts from different fields, authorized the Marja-Leena Kemppainen (kd) added.

– Tynkkynen wants to collect demonstrations, on political points, says green councillor Latekoe Lawson Pentecost. .

Tynkkynen thinks Oulu policymakers should quickly consider new ways of city residents to ensure safety. In his opinion, immigrants should not for example be allowed to work in the Oulu schools and kindergartens before adequate security is guaranteed.

currently, the Finnish day care workers required to have a background of development, but immigrants don’t know enough of just about anything, Tynkkynen wondered.

Oulu family mother Riitta Rönkä is angry rapists. Tapio Is Great