Tesla’s most popular electric cars are in Switzerland. By the end of September, about 4250 wagons were enrolled. So Tesla is on place five of all new approved models of cars. The growing popularity of electric cars in General. 11’200 plug-in vehicles, i.e. purely electric models and Plug-in Hybrid, have been sold up to now, this year, almost 5,000 more than in the same period in the previous year. Their market share now stands at almost 5 percent.

Because electric cars produce no CO2, the increase in sales positive impact on the climate balance sheet of the Swiss car fleet. Even more remarkable is that this year, the newly registered passenger cars in the cut 139,6 grams of CO2 per Kilometer emit less than 2 grams of more than 2018. The Swiss Federal office of energy confirmed the calculations of this editorial.

For the increase, there are a number of reasons. Meanwhile, more than every second new car is a heavy vehicle with all-wheel drive. The sold – less-CO2 – intensive diesel cars less often. The weight of the new test procedure, WLTP, which is intended to reflect the real CO2 emissions of the vehicles more closely than in the past eventually falls. After 2017, and 2018, the CO2 increased emissions, therefore, after he had previously fallen year on year by an average of 3 percent, from 175 grams in 2008, to just 134 grams of 2016.

This is a Trend that raises concern: “This is for the environment and the climate is no encouraging development,” says the FDP politician, Peter Schilliger. Switzerland was removed when the new cars of the objectives of the energy strategy far. National councillor Bastien Girod (Green) speaks of a “slap in the face of climate youth”.

There are 300 million Swiss francs buses

since 2015 is threatening the CO2-emissions may not exceed the 130-gram limit – a requirement that is met in no Canton. The climate most damaging to the cars in Zug and Graubünden and Schwyz are on the road, the best new cars from cutting fleets in the cantons of Thurgau and Obwalden. The Overruns will not remain without consequences: The importers have to pay fines. In the last year, there were 31 million Swiss francs. This year, the sanctions are likely to be similarly high.

to 2020, however, you are likely to attract strong: Then it will – as in the EU – the new, more stringent target of an average 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre for passenger cars in force. The industry Association Auto-Schweiz expects buses of 200 to 300 million Swiss francs alone for 2020.

For importers, the situation is aggravated because politically, the Wind has turned. For a long time, the industry was on the facilitation of hope, which had been decided by the Federal Council at the regulation level. The Plan: In the calculation of the CO2 emissions are not included at the beginning of the new cars. Excluded the dirtiest 15% in 2020. In 2021 it is expected to be 10 percent, 2022 5. By this so-called Phasing-in, the CO2 balance is improved for the importers on the paper significantly.

Now, however, the Council of States has written, in September, to the new CO2 act, Switzerland has put an end to the Phasing-in “no later than in the EU”. The national Council is expected to confirm this. Thus, the Phasing will help the importers only in 2020, to push the buses height.

it is Different in the case of the second relief, the so-called super-credits. Here are the importers of electric cars by 2022 multiple credit – which, in turn, the CO2 emissions of the fleet of course. The super-credits apply in the EU. “Therefore, you should stay there,” urges car-Switzerland-Director Andreas Burgener. “It would be difficult to understand, if the national Council were to withdraw this rule – incidentally, just before they were to be applied.” Pushing that would be from the point of view of the car in Switzerland also because of the bunch of electric cars “promotes otherwise hardly”. Unlike in many EU countries, the Federal grant, for example, no purchase premiums and no financial support for the development of the charging infrastructure.

The super-credits are likely to survive the parliamentary debate. Although the GLP and the greens want to tilt this Instrument, since CO2 continues to Hurl would be indirectly promoted. The SP considers this step at least worth examining. The CVP, which would be needed for a majority in the national Council, but will not follow suit, such as your national councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt makes it clear. “We should adopt the act on CO2 in the Winter, in order to have fast once a referendum-enabled template to Express what the people can.” Much more efficient than the dispute over the super-credits it would be a complement to the view of the CVP-politician, the law annual CO2 between goals. So it’s possible to achieve a continuous reduction of emissions – a proposal that has also been in the green camp on sympathy.

advertising for road tank

it remains unclear who bears the responsibility for the bad climate balance sheet of the Swiss new car. For SP-national councillor Roger Nordmann, the car sellers are. To push instead of fuel-efficient vehicles, would you do “constantly advertising for over otorisierte road tank with all-wheel drive”. Car Switzerland disagrees. This is a selective perception, says Director Burgener, and refers to several campaigns for electric cars.

For GLP-President Major, who chairs the electric mobility, the Swiss Association of E-Mobility, are the seller and the buyer in the duty. For him, the rising CO2 show-not values, that a very large proportion of car buyers “is the price – and environmentally sensitive”. Over the entire life cycle of calculated, was the operation of electric cars are already today cheaper than any of the burners, and clear climate change is so Big. It was now, to convince people.

Created: 27.10.2019, 19:51 PM