Stockholm during the winter, experienced more than a doubling of robberies against children and young people. Ungdomsrånen will have major consequences for those affected. In addition to the robberies describe the police and brottsofferstödjare in addition, a trend in which victims are young people stand in silence during police investigations, the parents urge their children not to testify, and families do not dare to report it to the police crimes they suffered.

the Fear of being subjected to more violence if you have contact with the police, the victims not to participate. It is a very dangerous development, not only for victims but also for Sweden as the rule of law. It’s called, to use a legal term of child abuse in a court of law and is a problem that is not addressed sufficiently.

Previously, the police and prosecutor been able to provide reassurance that it is very rare that the plaintiff and witnesses are subjected to retaliation. There is much to suggest that there is no longer as secure a basis for the message. A police report can lead to harassment, as that unknown people repeatedly banging on the front door to the family home. Families brought their panes smashed. Threats are delivered via Snapchat, or by the younger siblings are threatened. Parents of victims are children rings up and receive death threats against their children.

A police report can lead to harassment, as that unknown people repeatedly banging on the front door to the family home. Families brought their panes smashed. Threats are delivered via Snapchat, or by the younger siblings are threatened.

the Expression ”golare have no buddies”, which means that the who tells us about the crimes of the adults or the police do not get a few friends, are common in the ungdomskretsar. It is an expression which is often also translated into action. Among young people in the vulnerable areas it has become an unspoken norm that the consequences of speaking with authorities becomes very serious. It can mean to a young person who has been beaten, and then provides such information to the police can be established, with named individuals, will be ostracised and no longer can live outdoors.

out of fear Of themselves being beaten and isolated, dare your friends no longer hang out with the ”golat”. Many young people describe the fear of losing their friends who are far far worse than the risk of being assaulted again. To tell adults, and thus run the risk of the matter to the police, enabling them to keep quiet even if they become the victim of a crime. The young are faced with a choice to bow to the area’s violent institutions or themselves to be a part of these in order to protect themselves.

Many young people describe the fear of losing their friends who are far far worse than the risk of being assaulted again.

At the community level, the consequences are extremely serious. Trust is eroded. Threats and violence against complainants and witnesses in criminal cases puts the rule of law out of the game. The exercise of violence becomes the one who decides. When parents feel that they are protecting their children best, do not report it to the police and discourages the children from testifying, reduces the opportunities to seize gärningspersonerna. We will then be in a downward spiral, which is a serious threat to democracy and our freedom.

Abuse in a court of law is to a large extent a juvenile crimes. Therefore needs to focus its efforts to put an end to these crimes also be targeted specifically towards young people.

1 to Restrict the suspect’s freedom of manoeuvre during the investigation. It is in society’s interest to protect victims of crime and the legal process, even when the suspect is a young person. An adult person suspected of abuse in a court of law can be arrested, but it is not appropriate for young people under the crc. However, electronic tagging could be used in the cases where young persons are suspected of the crime. It allows restrictions on the times and locations of the unges outdoor areas and reduces the ability to continue to be a danger to others.

It can also reduce the pressure to always retaliate and escalate a conflict that many young people feel today. Fotbojan should be combined with an overall kontaktförbud for the parties so long as a lawsuit surrounding a violent crime in progress. For the most violent young people, it is important that those in the higher degree are sentenced to closed youth care.

2 Parental responsibility for children and young people crime need to be strengthened. today, parents can be required to pay for the damage their children cause, but they have no obligation to be present at the trial.

It has proved to be profitable for a parent to not be in place, because the court can not judge the parent to pay damages for their child’s crime. Therefore, it should be mandatory for parents on penalty of a fine, attendance at the trial when their child is accused of a crime.

3 Reduce the usefulness of committing a crime in a court of law. Abuse in a court of law is a crime committed, therefore, that criminal individuals see an opportunity to be able to escape punishment. They threaten to remove the evidence. To a greater extent, to record the first interviews with the plaintiffs and witnesses, can reduce the driving force to commit these crimes.

directly connected to a crime, people are often more likely to share what they know to the police. When the eyewitness testimonies already recorded leading threat to the individual rather than to the increased risk of harsher penalties. Faster prosecution of young people is also important. The faster the legal process to be managed, the less time and opportunity for gärningspersonerna to try to influence the victim and witnesses.

4 Increase knowledge about abuse in a court of law is a serious crime. Young gärningspersoner and the victims are not aware of abuse in a court of law is a crime in itself, which, moreover, has a significantly higher straffvärde than another crime.

Therefore, need the offence more attention in school. Furthermore, the school work våldspreventivt with the machonormer which is located behind the attitude to make up among themselves, instead of to report it to the police and to testify.

5 Make it possible for the school to be a safe zone under investigation. School in themselves constitute the greatest scene of the crime when the young are exposed to crime. It is possible to turn off the students, but the legislation requires that other measures be tried first.

In the case of abuse in a court of law, it means that the pupils are given good opportunities to silence both the plaintiff and the witnesses who go on the same school. The education act therefore need to be strengthened so that the rule of law for students can be guaranteed.

Now, the necessary political action. Children and young people should always be confident that the police and the adult world to protect victims of crime. No one should escape punishment by threatening and harassing.