Reply to Victor Carlsson’s letter to the editor of the DN Opinion on cannabis as alternative to alcohol:

Why is it an alternative to alcohol use? Instead of advocating a bad alternative to something that causes serious social costs and damage to individuals, would it not be better to ban alcohol instead?

To replace something bad with something bad, not something good. To push the issue of medical benefits of cannabis in relation to the medications that are available in the day is another thing. Victor Carlsson mixes together apples and pears.

that shows that cannabis is harmful to young people and their not yet fully developed brains. Studies have shown that the damage can be permanent, and that smoking cannabis during pregnancy means that the child is at an increased risk for learning problems, problems with memory and concentration problems (Alpár, Di Marzo, Harkany, 2016). Alcohol can also cause lasting damage, but it requires a much more extensive and long-term consumption of alcohol than for cannabis use.

At the school of social work, we need students not take a position on the question of whether we personally see cannabis as a danger in society or not. Most of us have already taken a position before.

Those who wish to legalize the drug claim that the police workload would be reduced. I claim the opposite. The children born to mothers who, through liberalisation of the drug have used cannabis during pregnancy, and thereby acquired the damages that thereby may arise, will probably contend with the majority of problems that will end up in the police areas of responsibility.

to charge the familjesystemet, school, health care, and in all likelihood, even child psychiatry. Not to think one step further when you want to liberalise a drug for a very long time was, and is, forbidden is not only naive, but also stupid.

the So-called ”snedtrippar” where the patient is losing foothold with reality and thereby harm yourself and others are many times both more dangerous and far more common than on alcohol intake. During my youth I had contact with a guy who after a summer on the island of Gotland with the intake of cannabis ended up on the psyche when he came home. A few weeks after he was discharged he took his life.

If you do not make the link between the cannabisintaget and his suicide turns a blind eye to the relationship between mental illness and drug abuse. It applies, of course, also other drugs.

to drogliberalisering is via Netflix and other players in their production of the drug in their movies and series. I have lately not seen a single Netflix-produced series or film when you do not smoke cannabis or consume alcohol.

As an adult may resist, but all these young people who are watching these movies and series have an entirely different perception about these drugs than the older generation. I am pretty confident that the Victor belongs to the group that blidkats of this lopsided production.

IN the united states, there are two camps where the drug is illegal in some states, while in other states, see cannabis with blidare eyes than alcohol. I would like to see more research pertaining to the use of both alcohol and cannabis before one can begin to toss out that cannabis in any way would be able to replace the alcohol.

and other substances are so large societal problem and is causing great costs should these drugs be banned because they are reaping human suffering and does not bring any good to humanity. Here I do not mean the medications and cannabis for pain control – it is an entirely different debate.

I also wonder why alcohol is seen as a drug in the society, then the alcohol, like other drugs reaping human lives? Victor Carlsson forgot to mention drograttfulla running kill people, regardless if they are high on cannabis or drunk alcohol. In my eyes, are these drugs the same thing.

good Luck, intoxication, and the positive experiences that cannabis and alcohol produce in humans can also be achieved in other ways. You just have to be open to there are options.

the thought of it gives exercise, sex, and companionship with both the animals and friends the kick we need. It is charged to neither the society or the costs money. It would be something to consider?