It is not so long ago it was direktvagnar by train to the continent. This was before the Öresund bridge was inaugurated in the year 2000. The train went on the ferry between Helsingborg-Helsingør, and then again on the ferry Gedser-Großenbrode (later Rødby-Puttgarden).

since Then, much has happened. In Sweden, much of the rail traffic to be about to compete with internal flights. The expansion of the high-speed train X2000 was clearly focused on to compete on routes between the nordic capital cities.

Now, there are many who once again asks for reasonable train links to the continent. In this desire, I think I see a paradigm shift as, inter alia, reflected in the large Facebook group ”Tågsemester”. The demand of the many is direct rather than to the hideous costs cut a further half an hour on the route Stockholm-Malmö.

still the overriding problem, but the government’s shilly-shallying on the building checked as well for the 250 or 320 kilometres per hour has not much to do with trains to London, Paris and Rome.

It is not particularly constructive to unilaterally carp on the danes, Carl-Johan Jargenius makes in a letter to the editor on the DN Review. The Bane of Denmark has achieved high-speed rail link across the Great Belt and for the first time, you can run the train all the way from Narvik to Germany.

at the same time built the railway to the port of Rødby on the preparation for the new connection to Fehmarn. In the meantime, start ersättningsbussar between Copenhagen and Rødby. Later in the year so will rail transport via the Fehmarn completely to an end.

that goes directly to Hamburg and Berlin are available in the summer, but they avoid the Danish bottleneck by transported by ferry directly Trelleborg-Saßnitz. Where about where you realize that we tend to throw stones in glass houses if we complain of the danes.

Stena has ordered new ferries to its traffic from Trelleborg, but these may not railroad track. The shipping company can not be blamed for this, but it must be the government’s job to be responsible for the existing infrastructure behålles.

the Government promised bet on the trains, there are in part already. The night train to Malmö, has actually survived and there can be no jätteproblem to take this to Copenhagen. In a way, perhaps the most logical departure point for the continental direktvagnar from Sweden would be just the Danish capital.

over the Kattegat and in the Baltic sea to Germany and Poland effective. It would be in the context of simple, quick and inexpensive to ensure that the transition between the rail and the ferry was smooth and facilitated in Gothenburg from Kiel and Fredrikshavn), Trelleborg to Travemünde, Saßnitz and Rostock) and Nynäshamn (Gdansk, Poland).