Abroad, The picture made a year and a half ago, a lot of los, to the disgust of the American army. When two young marineofficieren on november 16, 2017 noticed that their plane during a training exceptionally bright streaks left in the blue herfstlucht above the state of Washington, they got the bright idea to make a giant penis drawing. An American newspaper has now reconstructed what happened that afternoon exactly happened.

It was the Navy Times, an American newspaper that focuses on staff in the army and their family – that the story brought out. They relied on the Freedom of Information Act, a federal law on the freedom of information that the American government has the obligation to certain previously non-released government documents, however, (partly) publicly available.

also Read Us navy apologises for penis in the air Training

they were two young officers are behind the ‘work of art’ were: the pilot of an EA-18G Growler and his navigator. They were that afternoon after taking off from the air base of the navy on Whidbey Island and were found some time after their training. the

The local tv station KREM 2 was first with the news of the ‘faux pas’. A mother had pictures taken of the ‘drawing’ in the air, and her complaint made at the station because they now would have to explain to her young children, what that suggested. Images of the ‘luchtpenis’ spread like wildfire on social media. Some responded – just as the mother – outraged, others thought it hilarious, and created even memes. (read on below)