About 50,000 danes are estimated to take to Thailand over the Danish winter.

And many of them are parents with small children, looking for a break in the hassle of snowsuits and winter boots, and opt for a few weeks with shorts and bare feet instead.

However, many parents take young children to ever more exotic destinations, seen in forsikringsstatistikken. Here is this group of travellers are over-represented, and it believes a Norwegian doctor is worrying. Yes in fact he believes that one should not travel with their very young children to so distant destinations.

– Parents should not take children outside Europe, north America or Australia, before the child can remember the trip afterwards, says Per Kristian Opheim in a press release to the Norwegian news service NTB.

Per Kristian Opheim works as kontaktlæge and ledsagerlæge at SOS International’s emergency centre in Norway, and last year had the Norwegian part of the control panel 400 cases with Norwegian children between the ages of 0 and 15 years old. And the number is increasing.

– Children should not travel to Asia or Africa before they are five years old, and the reason why is, first and foremost, to bakteriefloraen is different. When the baby is bigger and has more kropsvolumen, so it will not be so easily dehydrated by the disease, he says.

– Mavetarminfektioner and fever dominates sygdomstilfældene. They are rarely serious, but it can of course be frustrating and create concern for parents, and not the least is the sin of the child, says Per Kristian Opheim.

The Norwegian Folkehelseinstitut, which corresponds to the Danish medicines agency of Denmark, will not, however, go so far as to advise against traveling with children, as long as one takes precautions before his departure – with among other things the correct vaccination.

the Danish part of The SOS International had last year, more than 1300 cases of Danish children aged 0-15 years in Asia on the control panel, and also here can be seen a steady increase.

’the Number of cases peaks in January to march and July month. The most frequent illness among children is mavetarminfektioner. This can be both from the virus, which is transmitted through the f.ex. pool or from bacteria in the f.ex. the food. The second most common diagnosis is fever, which can have many causes, fol.a. flu, colds and cystitis. The fever is often due to viral infections, which could just as well be hit the children home’, writes SOS International Denmark, in a press release.

But the Danish department will not, however, advise parents to take small children with us on trips to Asia.

– But we recommend Danish parents, that they inform themselves about the risks of small children on trips to Asia. We know it can be very frustrating to be stuck with sick toddlers in abroad, and in Asia there is not the same setup in the hospital sector, as there is in Denmark. In addition, there may be many linguistic challenges. Why should the parents make themselves familiar with how you can get help in case of illness, and one must make sure to have a handle on its travel insurance, says SOS International to Ekstra Bladet.

Mavetarminfektioner. This may be caused both by virus or bacteria.Fever – the cause may be many r.ex. flu, colds, cystitis. It is often viral infections, such as giving fever in children, which could just as well be hit at home. The infection is often airborne.Bronchitis and asthmatic bronchitis/respiratory infection.Chickenpox – this is often something the children are taking with you from home, as the incubation period is 2-3 weeks. There are strict rules on when one must travel, and can often children can have it fine, but meet yet do not qualify for had to fly.Infections/mellemørebetændelser – the children are infected often in the pool. There are rules for when you must fly with otitis media.

Top 5 skadeslande:

1. Thailand

2. Singapore

3. China

4. Indonesia

5. Vietnam