It was certainly not in the good soil of many of the P5’s listeners, since the DR chose to the popular radio program ‘Champion’ should be closed.

the Application of smoke in the extension of the latest medieforlig, where the DR was required to save 20 percent on the budget.

Now drawing the last programmes of the ‘national Champion’ at the end, and it has got more of the P5’s listeners to share their frustrations on radiokanalens Facebook page.

‘Yes, one must wonder why you close such a popular program. Are you also by laying the P5?’, write a gal is listening on P5’s Facebook page.

As a unique feature the ‘Champion’ with a very loyal audience of listeners in existence for over 20 years.

Several of the P5’s express that the P5 do not have reasons as to why it is ended with the ‘national Champion’.

‘I have complained in several places. To the DR’s management, and to him, Lars Daneskov as I think/ believe determines at P5. Sad that Denmark’s Champion and Peter’s World gets ‘scrapped’, writes one frustrated user.

Community – 17. sep. 2018 – at. 13:14 Now hits axe: DR-the redundancies are in progress

another user also shares his dissatisfaction:

‘And how can it be the DR does not match when you write a complaint to them ? Think you just you can tie people’s discontent to death? It’s simply not working ! Give us the Danish champion back’.

Kanalredaktøren for P4 and P5, Lars Daneskov, says to Ekstra Bladet, that he can well understand that the P5’s listeners is infuriating that ‘Champion’ does not continue.

– We have gone from eight to five radio channels. We have been compelled to think the P5 as a ‘whole’ channel. It will say that we must have content, which also is about other than music.

– In this context, we need to close some programs. We close, therefore, among other things, ‘Champion’ and ‘Peter’s World’. But we are going to make new programs that hit the same target audience, says kanalredaktøren to Ekstra Bladet.

Lars Daneskov also points out that P5’s listeners are very loyal and spend a lot of time to listen to the channel programs. P5 therefore also want to be faithful to their listeners.

– I have a huge understanding that our listeners respond to the fact that there are things that are made.

– It is, in fact, a pat on the back, since our listeners have been excited for the program. This is just a part of a larger reshuffle, he says.

the Last program of ‘national Champion’ will be sent 17. december.