“The dramatic change in the EU-parliament is waiting”

“The EU-critical, högernationalistiska parties in Europe, is expected to reap a big success in the elections to the EUROPEAN parliament.”

“– It will be a dramatic change of the right-wing composition of the european Parliament, ” says professor Simon Hix, a leading expert on parliament.”

“In 18 member states, there are högernationalistiska, EU-critical parties, which is over 10 per cent in opinion.”

“In a report to the Swedish institute for european policy studies (Sieps), Simon Hix to the populist, anti-european parties can get 35-40 per cent of the votes in the spring election. Then, he in both left – and right-wing populist parties. But it is above all the högernationalistiska which has grown strongly in recent years.”

“The biggest and most famous one is the Hungarian Fidesz, the Italian Lega, the Polish Law and order, the Austrian FPÖ, the Dutch FvD and French NA (formerly the National front). The sweden democrats is eight in the EU when it comes to the poll.”

“In some countries, such as Hungary, Poland, Italy and Estonia are leading or are included in the governments. In others, such as Denmark, the regeringsunderlag.”

“It’s a dramatic change that has taken place since the fall of the berlin wall in 1989. Then they had the right-wing populist parties with an average support of 3.1 per cent in Europe. Today, it stands at over 15 per cent.”

“– There are many, complex explanations for this, but it is a symptom of the established parties lost the grip on the electorate, ” says Göran von Sydow, director of Sieps.”

“Many believe that these parties are a threat to democracy. The second that they actually engage and give voice to people who otherwise have no voice in politics. They are not openly anti-democratic, but accept the basic rules of the game. However, they don’t provide much of liberal democracy with independent courts, free media and the protection of minorities. It is majoritetsvälde, ”the voice of the people”, as applicable. National identity is central.”

“– That they have grown is not undemocratic, but a reaction to the problems that the traditional parties failed to resolve. The deciding factor will be whether the parties can do it, or will the right-wing parties to take over or to abolish liberal democracy, with democratic means, ” says Simon Hix TT.”

“the Question is what will happen in the new european Parliament in this new political landscape. Simon Hix warns of increased political fragmentation and increased difficulty in creating political alliances. The two main political groups, military NL, where M and KD included, and the socialists and democrats, S&D, where P is included, is expected to back down and lose the majority they had together.”

“However, it is expected the liberal group, Alde, where L and C are included, go forward, and when the French A Marche. The EPP and S&D will be forced to cooperate with the Liberals to create a majority.”

“– Alde can be kungamakarna in parliament, ” says Hix.”

“Even if they högernationalistiska parties are expected get big successes, it is an open question how they will organise themselves. Today, they are divided into three groups, where the largest is the ECR, where the SD and the uk, the Tories included. The ability to create a common group is considered small. Despite the consensus in the perception of migration and less integration in the EU, differs in many parties in other issues, such as economic policy and attitude to Russia.”

“the Italian Lega has created a new group with the French NA and managed to get SD’s sister parties the true finns and the Danish folkeparti. But SD won’t follow after.”

“– It will probably be two groups. It is partly the perception of Russia as a distinct, and, that we and others in the ECR to orient ourselves more towards the traditional conservative parties, ” says SD’s group leader Mattias Karlsson.”

“the Conservatives Mep Christofer Fjellner, who is leaving after 15 years, do not think that the deciding factor will be how the högernationalistiska parties act.”

“– The deciding factor will be what the EPP does, ” he says.”

“Despite the clear need, is not always the votes in the parliament on the same pattern as in the national parliaments of the member states with clear dividing lines between the parties. Instead, there is often new constellations in each of the individual vote. This applies not least in the questions of further european integration and migration and asylum issues, but also in matters of social rights, agriculture, and gender equality.”

“as a result of A more fragmented parliament, it might be that the EUROPEAN commission will get more difficult to get their proposals through. At the risk parliament as a political force to weaken in relation to the governments of the member states.”

“the Christian högermittenpartier. M and KD included.”

“Profile: Security and curbing illegal migration. Want to develop the EU’s internal market. Cherish christian values.”

“social democratic parties. S and FI is included.”

“Profile: Focuses on the more and good jobs, social security, and the environment.”

“the Conservatives, the EU-critical parties, like the british Tories, the Polish Law and justice, and the SD.”

“Profile: opposed to the more supra-nationalism, critical of the common EUROPEAN asylum system. The strengthening of border controls, more cooperation against crime.”

“Liberal parties, including the L and C.”

“Profile: Frihandelsvänligt, want to develop the EU’s internal market, especially for digital services. The safeguarding of the rule of law in the EU.”

“Green parties, including the MP.”

“Profile: the more Radical climate policy, a more generous refugee policies, developing the EU into a supranational, transparent democracy. Create a sustainable, circular economy.”

“the left parties including the German Die Linke, the Spanish Podemos, the Greek Syriza and V.”

“Profile: Emphasizes sustainable economic development, the environment, reduced economic disparities, gender equality, international solidarity and the employees’ social rights.”

“EFDD (Freedom and Democracy in Europe),”

“EU-critical parties Brexitpartiet, Italian Femstjärnerörelsen.”

“Profile: Warns of a european superstate. Euromotståndare. Preserving countries ‘ right to protect their borders and strengthen the cultural and religious values. More direct democracy through referenda”

“ENF (Nations and freedoms, Europe)”

“the EU-critical and nationalist parties like the French National collection, the Italian northern league and the austrian FPÖ.”

“Profile: Stresses beyond national sovereignty. Want to preserve national identities and the right to regulate immigration.”

“Source: european Parliament, political groups.”

“Hungary – Fidesz 53%”

“the Netherlands – FvD 26”

“Finland – the true finns 18”

“the Uk – BP 14”

“France – NA (UN), 13”

“Source: Pollofpolls.eu”