Lapland’s best attractions, nature, can not be experienced day quick for a pop of, write to Evening news editor in chief Perttu Kauppinen. Crete Karvala

Lapland-tourist got Friday again new and free tow, when Hollywood actor Margot Robbie publish social media holiday pictures of Finnish Lapland. Robbie’s Instagram account followed by nearly 15 million people and more than a million time in a few hours, the likes of Lapland-images.

the world of celebrity Lapland-a journey of the tracking started to be every year for fun. In recent years, in Lapland have popped up, including a pop-icon Shakira, argentine footballer Lionel Messi, Game of Thrones-tv series of familiar actress Emilia Clarke and singer Ed Sheeran. Social media the power of images, that in Finland an unknown indian star of the Post Kohl’s and Anushka Sharman last winter Lapland-the photos were Instagram-in the service of millions of the enthusiastic audience.

the stars of social media are downloading the pictures are priceless advertising for tourism, as the testimonial is one of the strongest purchase decision influence factors. Super star recommendations not money can buy, but they can help the millions of stars admirers to choose the next holiday destination of Finland and Lapland.

the Stars somepäivitykset facilitate Lapland marketing of the pain of early winter Crapland-stir after. The british press to twist in November in Lapland crap landik, i.e. the poo countries, when the Uk flew out the tourists were disappointed with no snow to Rovaniemi. Lapland nature go right from snow to the atmosphere and it is not due to the mild autumn at the end still half of November been.

Positive marketing is so far winning, because this winter Lapland-tourism expected to grow 5-10%. The record has already been broken, when the December best day, Lapland was flown abroad almost one hundred charter flights a day. The vast majority of the charter flights just come in from the Uk, and hätäisimmät tourists returned the same day back.

tourism is Finland now an increasingly important industry. Climate concern in spite of the international tourists does not seem to be turning into a decline, and many travelers are looking for from the world of the new items. Lapland in addition to gain is a lot, for example, Helsinki, which suction seemed now to grow of the other nordic capital cities.

early winter Crapland-stir should, however, be a serious warning to the northern tourism development. Lapland have nothing to lose, if it tries to profile itself in the mass tourism destination, which popped up on the procurement of quick experiences and be disappointed when the snow isn’t.

a Quality and personalised experience, providing not bring quick profits, but it is more durable road – so tourism growth as the Lapland nature and the environment.