“Embarrassing parents are the best protection against pedofilerna on the net”

“I was skitful on skolfotot in the fifth grade. One eye is either open or closed and it looks like I’m in the middle of a sneeze, while the smile is so wrong that it becomes sad rather than glad of it. I swear the wasted övningstimmen in front of the mirror and the fact that I chose the one where the geeky shirt. “

“the Reason why I’m reviewing the photo so zealously this time to a cute guy I met online has asked me to send a picture – but I have no good. All of the photographs I have taken on the släktmiddagar, family vacations, or with poor quality of the grainy webcam. All hopes are for this year skolfoto. But when I hold the picture in his hand tumbling down my world and I will have to try to shoot at bildskickandet. I am writing something sweeping, if he gets a picture in a few days.”

“The cute guy is a year older, have so much wax in the blonde bangs that it will stand up forever, and write that he thinks I’m fine – drömkillen with other words. “

“We have met on an online forum and chatted in a few weeks. One evening he asks me, suddenly put on the webcam. With sweaty and heady heart combs I hair and quickly put on me and lip gloss that smells like strawberry and melon. We start the cameras at the same time. In front of the one sitting a two-year-old Linnéa who thinks it is exciting with cute boys. In front of the other is a 45-year-old man who thinks it is exciting with cute girls. And jerking off.”

“I remember how I was cold, scared, and disgusted. Suddenly, there is a old man in shirtless and jerking off in front of me, in my room. I was yelling and running away to my parents in the living room. Many years later, I understand that this is a typical example of grooming and that it could have ended much worse. As it does for far too many.”

“Grooming is an illegal act in which any contact with children under the age of 15 in order to further forward committing sexual abuse. The abuser builds a relationship to later lure the child to engage in sexual activities like sending nude pictures, viewing through a camera or a get together. The convergence sometimes go fast, in other cases, it occurs gradually over a longer period of time as confidence grows and the child systematically broken down.”

“Even if the grooming is not a new phenomenon, as has the digitisation served the perpetrators entirely new conditions. Now it reaches out to far more in a shorter time and thus have a greater chance to succeed. In addition, it is easier to identify a child’s life by talking to it from several different fake profiles at the same time.”

“It’s been 16 years since I sat in front of the computer and got the experience of how conniving and malevolent adults can be towards children. During these years, the trend has exploded and smartphones, tablets and social media has become a natural part of children’s everyday lives. What’s not gone at the same pace is informerandet if the internet’s back pages. The knowledge of, for example, grooming, and how you can try to protect themselves against the it is still far too low in both children and adults.”

“perhaps The most important thing to know is that children who are victims of grooming or other violations on the internet rarely want to tell anyone because they feel ashamed or are afraid of the consequences. These feelings can groomarna use to their advantage to convince the child that it has a responsibility in the participation and only has herself to blame. Therefore, it is very important that the outraged relatives do not react with the questioning and guilt. It will counteract the most important tool we have to protect our children against these crimes of sexual violence, namely an open dialogue.”

“the Importance of talking with their children about the internet and security can not be stressed enough. But don’t choose the ban in front of the explanations! Instead of just saying that the children are not allowed to disclose private information, sending certain types of pictures, or visit some of the sites and apps, talk about why. Tell us about the grooming without a lot of frills. Tell the children that there are adults who are being tricked and using fake profiles to manipulate to sexual encounters or nude images.”

“It prepares the kids better than the shiny ban since it gives them a chance to recognize suspicious behaviors. The advantage to explain, rather than just a ban is that it increases the chance that the child dare to ask for help or ask for advice. A child who has been a victim may remain silent if it is in danger of getting in trouble, and the prohibition do more harm than good. Therefore be clear about why certain behaviors or pages can pose a risk, but at least equally clear that no matter what, it is never the child’s fault and they will always get help and support.”

“to increase the child’s security, you must talk about this often. The Internet is probably a central part in the life of your child, then ask: ”How was it in school? How did it go at the training? How have you had it on the internet today?”. Keep up with what pages your child hangs on and learn how they work!”

“this section seems to receive a little extra of many parents. You feel like you lastgammal, a fool, and humiliated to try to keep up with and the kids think you are both terminally embarrassing and unreasonable bad. All that I mean that parents have to swallow. They’ll still download and test the newest apps, try out the games the child uses and ask how the pages work. All despite the fact that your child screams ”cringe!” and continues to declare that you do not take something.”

“if you keep up with technology and are interested in where your child spends his time facilitated the call that is the absolute most important tool you have to protect your children against grooming. To be an embarrassing parent can spare your child the experience of a runkande 45-year-old man – of course it is worth it!”