While Brøndbys singer, Ebbe Sand, is astonished that Rodolph Austin can steer clear of the quarantine, while Kamil Wilczek shortly before christmas, the two-day quarantine for it, Ebbe Sand believe are two basically similar situations, there in the Esbjerg fB is not the big surprise.

In each case, træenr John Lammers projected to have forsvarsstyrmanden Rodolph Austin available, when Brøndby IF guests Blue Water Arena and the west jutland.

– No, I’m not surprised that he does not get quarantined. The judge saw the situation and assessed it on the pitch, more was not in it, ” says John Lammers to JydskeVestkysten, after it came forward that one from the Football Disciplinærinstans not to proceed with the case.

In today’s order from the Footballing Disciplinærinstans is, that you have obtained a comment from Michael Tykgaard, after having seen the tv pictures assessed Rodolph Austin elbow on Jakob Ankersen for a yellow card, and thus ends up Austin not to get quarantine, since one of the panel side not to proceed with the case, because it is only estimated to a yellow card.

In the ruling of Football Disciplinærinstans about Kamil Wilczek felt referee Peter Kjærsgaard-Andersen, after having seen the situation on tv-the images that Kamil Wilczeks elbow was a red card, and that dommerteamet had made a mistake in the fight. Thus was the goal-thus the quarantine, since one from the Footballing Disciplinærinstans chose to follow the judge’s assessment of the case.