Michael Cohen, the ex-lawyer of Donald Trump, who turned against him, tells today of his personal story about the comings and goings of the president. The goal is to Congress to convince Trump a “scammer” and “liar”. So he will be under oath and in all its details testify that Trump didn’t know of the e-maillek that his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during the presidential election of 2016 would be detrimental.

“I want my family to be protected from presidential threats”, so begins the opening statement of Michael Cohen, who this morning has already been published by The New York Times (see document below). “I understand that you are my credibility in question. Therefore, I will provide you some of the documents that are irrefutable”, is still there to read. “I am ashamed that I was part of Trumps team. He is a racist, a cheater, a liar.” the

Democrats of the House Oversight Committee , the main investigative committee of the House of Representatives, will Cohen question about Trumps personal finances and about any attempts of the president and his lawyers to Cohen to intimidate, and to stop him from his testimony.

I’m ashamed that I was part of Trumps team. He is a racist, a cheater, a liar

Michael Cohen, a former lawyer and fixer of president Donald Trump

also Read Roger Stone, former advisor to Trump, picked up “Trump knew of hacked emails Clinton”

Main part of the twenty-pages-long opening statement now seems all the passage that Trump knew that there are hacked e-mails from Hillary Clinton leaked would be and that he is satisfied. the

Cohen will declare that Trump was aware that his adviser, Roger Stone had ties with WikiLeaks. “He was a presidential candidate who knew that Roger Stone talked with Julian Assange ( the chief of WikiLeaks , ed.) about the hacking of the e-mails from the Democratic campaign team of Hillary Clinton. (…) In July 2016, a few days before the Democratic convention, I was in Trumps office when he phone was from mr. Stone. Trump put him on speaker. Stone told Trump that he just phoned had with Assange and that he had been told that there are about a few days a gigantic maildump would be published that Hillary Clinton would damage it.”

“Mr. Trump responded, ” Isn’t that great’.”